Oracle of Consciousness


Let me be very clear from the onset, the human being known by the label, Rick Pursell is NOT the Oracle, which loosely defined is:
‘A person or thing regarded as an infallible authority on something’.
I am not that, nor am I a teacher, channel, master, swami, guru, or any other elevated status symbol.
A messenger perhaps, with a willingness to deliver what comes through me, as opposed to what comes from me.
With no self-debasement, I consider myself to be living an ordinary life, in a most extraordinary way.

From my humble perspective, there is no singular Oracle of Consciousness per se, which one could seek out in the physical world, however, the Collective Consciousness that we simultaneously occupy and ARE, is accessible to those who are ready and willing to dive deeply within.
Ultimately, we are all
the Oracle of Consciousness

We are participating in life within this dualistic multiverse, adding our experiences, love and knowledge into the pool of infinite conscious wisdom.

Everything we seek lies within us, patiently awaiting our enquiry.

The writings that follow are an expression of this consciousness.

As mentioned earlier, these messages came through me and follow no particular sequence.
They are short snippets of wisdom to be read, contemplated upon and integrated into your daily life, if you so choose.
Throughout my personal spiritual journey, I have embraced the idea that repetitiveness gives rise to a greater understanding of the subject matter, and so you will encounter this intentional principle throughout this series.
And finally before you set forth on this journey, from my humble perspective I have attempted to define the indefinable, unfathomable and infinite subject of Consciousness.
My perspective therefore, is in a perpetual state of growth, morphing and upgrading and quite frankly, I still feel I have on my 'Trainer Wheels' with this expansive topic!
Remember this is not my journey or yours, it is our journey.
Bon voyage!
Enjoy this sacred passage and may you never be the same again!


0.0. WHY Now?
1. Finding Wisdom
2. If Love is the Answer, What is the Question?
3. EGO - Friend or Foe?
4. Courage
5. Bravery
6. Living From Your Heart
7. Celebrating Mother Nature
8. Creating a Better World
9. Sacred Feminine
10. Sacred Masculine
11. Earth Calling
12. Forgiveness
13. Make the Able, More Able
14. Appreciation
15. Becoming More Conscious
16. Understanding
17. Choices
18. Humility
19. Compassion
20. Soul Purpose
21. Integrity
22. Let's Get Cracking
23. Fear of Death
24. Something Out of Nothing
25. Free Radical
26. Sanctuary
27. Storytelling - Possible
28. Attachment
29. Be Guided By Your Heart
30. OMG, I Don't Fit In!
31. One BIG Ruin
32. We Don't Die
33. Being of Service
34. Stable Datums
35. Trust
36. Prana
37. Avoidance
38. The Path Home
39. Behavioural Wisdom
40. What is Love?
41. Success
42. Navigating Challenges
43. Imagination
44. Intention
45. IQ to SQ
46. Motivational Madness
47. Holding On to Our Gains
48. Making Up Stories
49. Old Paradigm - New Paradigm
50. Your Greatest Manifestation
51. Energy Vibrations
52. Wrestling the Dragons
53. What is Sovereign Integral?
54. Change Your Story
55. The Unified Field of Potential
56. Honouring All Life
57. Quantum Entanglement
58. Your Energy Centres
59. Changing Reality
60. Crisis is the Driver of Change
61. Critical Thinking
62. The Event Horizon
63. Dealing With Conflict
64. Radical Surrender
65. Debunking the Illusion
66. Ignorance and Apathy
67. Experiencing Duality
68. I Am, We Are
69. Doing the Inner Work
70. Successful Actions
71. Is the Mind the Real Problem?
72. Finding the Triune
73. Stop, Just STOP!
74. Finding Your Life Purpose
75. Fragments of the Whole
76. Freedom
77. Getting Caught Up in the Drama
78. Going on Hoping
79. Going With the Flow
80. Head ~ Heart Coherence
81. How Does it Serve You?
82. In the Absence of Information
83. It's Okay to Cry
84. Why Did We Incarnate Here?
85. Intuition
86. Letting Go Your Persona
87. Limiting Beliefs
88. Manifestations of Consciousness
89. Merging With Life
90. Morphogenetic Field
91. Negativity and its Effects
92. Our Choice
93. Our Gift
94. Permanence and Impermanence
95. Pivotable Times
96. Your Spiritual Journey
97. Quality of Experience
98. Remnants of the Past
99. Resisting What Is
100. Responsibility and Discernment
101. Root Cause
102. Knowing versus Believing
103. Running Away or Diving In?
104. Radical Acceptance, Surrender and Integration
105. Seeking Enlightenment
106. Spiritual Phenomena
107. Spiritual Reasons Behind Illness
108. Stepping Into Your Power
109. Stuckness
110. Survival
111. Synchronicity
112. Taking Shortcuts
113. The Placebo Effect
114. The Void
115. Transformation
116. Two Kinds of Fear
117. Unconditional Love
118. Uniqueness
119. Values
120. Authenticity
121. Want versus Needs
122. Where Attention Goes, Energy Flows
123. Be Like a Martial Arts Expert
124. Be a Whole Human Being
125. Why?
126. Wisdom
127. Why I Don't Want to Become a Thought Leader
128. Abandonment
129. Affirmations and Feelings
130. Alchemists
131. Be Still, Be Silent, Just Be
132. Be That light
133. Being Present in Presence
134. Beingness
135. Coherence
136. Embracing Our Imperfections
137. Facing the Unknown
138. Letting Go
139. Willingness
140. The 'I' that Does Not Exist!
141. Unity
142. Curiousity
143. Self-Sabotage
144. Mastery Over Life
145. Multi-Dimensions
146. Cognitive Dissonance
147. Breaking Down Separateness
148. The Age of Unity and Transparency
149. Evil or Ignorance
150. Essence of Grace
151. Choosing New Beliefs
152. Celebrating Our Humanness
153. Maintaining Our Highest Vibration
154. Emulate Nature
155. Daybreak
156. Dealing With Pain and Suffering
157. Breaking Down the Wall Around Our Heart
158. Reuniting the Whole Human Family
159. Experiencing Our Creations
160. Cooperation and Collaboration
161. Earth ~ Human Transformation
162. Spirit, Look for it Everywhere
163. Our True Power
164. Creating an Effect
165. In the End, Love Wins
166. How These Writings Came About