Oracle of Consciousness
#69 - Doing The Inner Work

Inner work.
What Does That Mean?

It means identifying and resolving that which is holding you back.
Whether it be limiting beliefs, learnt, conditioned reactions towards yourself, others, past or arising situations and circumstances in your life.
Observing your thoughts and the quality of them, committing to the life-enhancing ones, leaving behind the sabotaging, debasing thoughts.
Taking stock of your emotions, with the intention to raise them to the higher level ones.
And just how does one do that?

Through Direct, Inner,

This work is certainly not like any 9am-5pm job or for the faint-hearted!
And we are not talking about going on hoping that something will miraculously and instantaneously change, without any action on our part.
Are we willing to commit to do the work to clear ourselves of any toxic thoughts, toxicity in the body, and/or low level emotions?
Are we willing to delve in there?
Into the trauma and pain?
And yes, it's jolly uncomfortable, not much fun at all, but an absolute necessity if we want to become more conscious.

This is where the action comes in, where the rubber meets the road!

The way out, is the way through!

The symbol for this of course, is the yin-yang.
So, we have arrived at the point where we are prepared to do the inner work, we have rolled up our sleeves and ready to confront what needs to be dealt with, because at this juncture we've likely been needlessly carrying around the shadow side of ourselves, and all of the lower vibrational frequencies.
And while it serves us by showing us what we don't want, there are better, more productive and harmonious ways to live our lives.
It's very obvious that in our world today, what's occurring at this time is arising to be dealt with, to be viewed, to be acknowledged, and to be transformed into a higher vibrational frequencies on a personal and collective level.

Reality check: If we're not prepared to do the inner work, then we will sit in the same condition we are in forever.
And it can become very addictive, as we pile more of our negativity onto ourselves.

As we are prepared to do the inner work, to knuckle down and get stuck into it, really confront what's there that needs to be dealt with and not run away, deny it, or suppress it, then the rewards are a thousandfold.
Denial is not a river in Egypt!
It's the only way I know to become more conscious and aware, unless you are struck by a huge bolt of lightning and instantly become awakened!
Good luck with that!

By diligently treading the inner path of transforming the lower vibrations, negative thoughts, lesser emotions and diving into what needs to be done, rest assured the rewards await you.
The rewards?
You can be free and liberated.
Truly conscious and aware of what's happening around you and genuinely heart-centred.