Oracle of Consciousness
#62 - The Event Horizon

What is The Event Horizon?
'A point of no return'.

What is a Tipping Point?

'The point at which a series of small changes or incidents becomes significant
enough to cause a larger, more important change'.

Three phrases - one outcome - CHANGE!

The Event Horizon
A point of no return.
Change is occurring and it is unstoppable.

The Tipping Point
Beyond this point, larger, more impactful changes will surely emerge.

Critical Mass
The build up of energy of varying forms upon reaching a certain level, will bring about change.
Humanity is either in it now, or very close to the Event Horizon!

Both positive and negative changes can occur as a result of arriving at the Tipping Point.
What is happening as a result of the various crises in our world today, is we are drawing closer to, or are at The Event Horizon, which precedes a huge shift in our individual and collective consciousness.
Whatever label we call it, 'The Great Awakening' is underway!
James Mahu has termed it
'The Grand Portal' through which we pass to birth the new humanity.

You see, every time that you have an epiphany, or an 'ah-ha' moment, every time you meditate into the stillness or silence, you are contributing to your own personal growth of consciousness, your own conscious evolution and the conscious evolution of the human family, the collective consciousness, this is why your inner work is so important!
Your task of freeing yourself is so important, and every one of us is contributing to the Collective Consciousness and grand awakening.
As we reach this Tipping Point, as this Event Horizon occurs, there is a collective shift in the human psyche, in the field of human consciousness, which then grows exponentially.
It may not happen with a lightning bolt of change.
But certainly, where there was no change occurring or very little, there will be an marked growth from this.
This is the evolutionary conscious path of humanity.
This is why it's so important that each of us contribute in whatever form we can, through your meditation, contemplation, heart-centredness, and through your connection to All That Is, to Mother Nature, and beyond.
Each one of us is a vital cog in this wheel, this unstoppable engine of movement.

So you can validate and acknowledge yourselves for the trials and tribulations that you've been through, which have brought you to this precious moment in time.
Each one of us, every one of these events in your life, has added to the collective consciousness and we have to go through these processes, to experience what we don't want, in order to arrive at what we do want.

Question time.
The deep dive inside which brings about change!

Photo by Houcine Ncib on Unsplash
Photo by Houcine Ncib on Unsplash
What don't I want?
What self-sabotaging behaviours, negative thoughts, limiting beliefs, low-level emotions, physical restrictions, etc., which no longer serve me, am I done with?

Photo by Jurica Koletić on Unsplash
Photo by Jurica Koletić on Unsplash
What do I want?
What do I want to create in my life, what new reality can I bring about that serves my passion and purpose, that is of value to others and makes a difference in their lives .
Consciousness is drawing us through this process to become more aware and conscious, in order to experience itself.

All we have to
do is, drum roll please......
Wake Up!