Oracle of Consciousness
# 28 - Attachment

Attachment: Joined, fastened or connected
to an idea, someone or something
By all means go out into the world and manifest out of the Unified Field of Potential, whatever makes you heart sing, with one caveat:
Don't get so attached to the outcome that you block it from being created!
If we are forcing or demanding that the outcome is forthcoming now(!) and must be exactly as specified, with no exception, we really don't have freedom on the subject, but more like an insistent manipulation.

True freedom is the ability to
have or not have something

Photo by Jakayla Toney on Unsplash
Photo by Jakayla Toney on Unsplash
There's nothing wrong with connecting to an idea, person or object, and we can really value, enjoy, appreciate, and be grateful that we have the opportunity to experience and link up.
But if we over-attach, or compulsively connected to something, or someone, then we are setting ourselves a bigger challenge.
When our expectations are not met, we inevitably experience disappointment.
Either way we will get to learn some valuable lessons.
We do have a choice!
You see, following all attachment, like a ball and chain, comes the idea that this is who and what I am.
We identify with that to which we are overly attached.
This is my wife, my car, my job, my this, my that!
The ego is represented by 'I', 'me' and 'mine', and on the other hand the Authentic Self symbolises 'we' and 'us'.
So there is the folly of attaching ourselves strongly to something which can lead us to a mis-identification of who we truly are at the core.

Photo by James Kovin on Unsplash
Photo by James Kovin on Unsplash

Photo by James Kovin on Unsplash
Photo by James Kovin on Unsplash

Now, don't get me wrong, I'm not suggesting that we shouldn't whole-heartedly love someone, or share some affinity for something, a material object, place, or more importantly, be passionately following our life's purpose.
What we could do is diminish the strong attachment and increase our love, caring, compassion, and appreciation for someone without that undue pressure of attachment.
That way we can let that unwanted pressure go.
Because in this dualistic universe we inhabit, (hot & cold, day & night, etc.), nothing lasts forever.
It births, changes and it dies, the trees, our bodies, everything is in a state of flux and movement.
And in the duality, there is always a cycle of action, or beginning, change and finality.
So if we're overly attached to something or someone, when we lose it, or a loved one, we're going to experience a titanic loss, a huge disappointment, and a monumental lack of who we mistakenly believed we are.
All of a sudden, our identity feels like it has changed, it's missing or lacking something.
And of course, this is completely untrue.
If we are infinite beings, and I believe we are, we cannot be lacking in anything, for infinity is infinite!

Part of our journey is to look closely at how attached to something we may be; to this physical body, our thoughts, mind, our beliefs, ideas, the emotions that we carry around, whether they be high or low, and our spiritual concepts, our ideas of who we are as a spiritual being.
If our ideas are limiting, then of course that's not the truth of who we are.
So, we need to look at our compulsive attachments, let them go, while keeping our love in place.
It is not about being uncaring.

It's about piling
on our love.

And you are
that love.

Never forget that!

There is a force in the Universe, which, if we permit it, will
flow through
us and produce
Mahatma Gandhi

“When the Light of Compassion is radiated, all attachment is smoothly diluted.”
"The nature of the ego-mind revolves around attachment and attachment keeps you focused on separation, so it makes you perceive millions of things, people, beings, objects, etc."