Oracle of Consciousness
#47 - Holding Onto Our Gains

How do we hang onto our gains in challenging times?
Most of us along our Path, have had peak experiences or major shifts in our perspective, which have brought about a feeling of intense joy, happiness and interconnectedness.
And no doubt most of us have yearned to repeat or maintain that heightened state of awareness and euphoria, or better still, have this feeling all of the time.

Photo by Helena Lopes on Unsplash
Photo by Helena Lopes on Unsplash

Photo by Marc Rafanell López on Unsplash
Photo by Marc Rafanell López on Unsplash
When we are totally present, the ego cannot influence us.

So when we find ourselves longing for those peak experiences to remain or come back again during our meditation or whatever practice we may be engaging in, we should recognise that the longing is coming from the ego.
We need to be present and accept whatever is arising at the time, rather than being stuck in the past wishing or going on hoping some other state or condition will present itself.

Photo by Dayne Topkin on Unsplash
Photo by Dayne Topkin on Unsplash
We are the creators
of our life!

We are abiding in the middle of an infinite field of potentiality, drawing to us, opportunities, people, circumstances and situations to experience, in order to grow our awareness.
The impetus to become more conscious lies behind our every choice, decision, thought, word and action.
It is the driving force that propels us along our chosen Path.

We are the co-creators of our life, working in concert with the Source.

How could we possibly deem ourselves victims?

There has to have been some form of intervention that convinces us that we are something other than magnificent beings with endless potential, and that influence is about separateness.
At any time we feel less than awe-inspiring, less powerful, disconnected or lacking creativity in our lives, we are being offered on a silver platter, the opportunity to view our thoughts, words and behaviours and guide them to a higher level that inevitably will bring about a feeling of wellbeing, interconnectedness and wholeness.

Photo by Ian Stauffer on Unsplash
Photo by Ian Stauffer on Unsplash

On a grander scale, we are experiencing these less-than-peak experiences due to the current human condition, which in part, through genetic manipulation has us caught up in a fear-based, dualistic paradigm, which is not our native state.
At this time, where the bulk of humanity is stuck in the old paradigm, it is not always possible to maintain our true interconnected state of brilliance and so we experience our ups and downs from time-to-time.
We are on a roller coaster, up and down, but as long as the trend is in an upward direction, we can keep doing what we are doing that brought us to this place.
But remember by continually nibbling at the opportunities presenting themselves to be more conscious, we can change ourselves and in doing so, we change the field in which humanity dwells.
This is why your inner work, your journey along your Path and the changes you make are so important, because they ultimately affect every sentient being on this planet and beyond.
That is how important you are – stay with that thought for a moment.
Breathe into it.
What you are doing to become more awake, more conscious, is having a profound effect on the whole of humanity!!
We are nearing the tipping point, the critical mass where humanity has the opportunity to morph into a new way of being and what you are doing IS important and is making a difference.

When we find ourselves in a less than optimum state, we can choose to remain there, projecting our fears outwardly and blaming others, or we can take responsibility for what we are creating, accept the is-ness of this present moment unfolding, and consciously choose to acknowledge that we are drawing these circumstances to ourselves in order to grow.
It is merely a change in perspective as to how we see ourselves and doesn’t have to manifest as some hyped up, woo-woo or ultra phoney positiveness, but a real sense of who we are beyond the veils of illusion.

That which is unfolding in your life is the reality of the present moment you have created, consciously or unconsciously.

How much richly rewarding would our lives be, if every moment was consciously created?

It pays to be conscious in every moment.
And then pay it forward