Oracle of Consciousness
#58 - Your Energy Centres

What are the Energy Centres?

For the past five thousand years, the wise sages of India (and other locations) have described that within our physical bodies are seven primary, swirling, energy patterns known as vortices or chakras.
These energy centres are considered portals to other dimensions of varying levels or experiences of consciousness.
It well behooves us to have some degree of understanding about our energy centres as we navigate our way along our chosen Path. After all, Einstein told us "Everything is energy".
It should be understood from the onset, that each of the chakras is equally important.

The seven energy centres as depicted in the image are, in descending order:
7. The Crown Chakra
6. The Brow Chakra
5. The Throat Chakra
4. The Heart Chakra
3. The Solar Plexus Chakra
2. The Sacral Chakra
1. The Base Chakra
A brief description of the seven chakras

Base Chakra
This first centre is located at the tip of the coccyx (tail-bone), it repesents the element of Earth and is about being grounded and your survival.
Colour - Red.

Sacral Chakra
The second chakra, the Water element can be found in the lower abdomen between the pubic bone and navel and is associated with your emotions and sensuality.
Colour - Orange.

Solar Plexus Chakra
Located at the bottom of your ribcage in the front of your body, this chakra represents the Fire element, your personal power and energy.
Colour - Yellow.

Heart Chakra
Your heart chakra can be found in the centre of your chest and deals with love and relationships.
This energy centre represents the element of Air.
Colour - Green.

Throat Chakra
This element of ether or space, is the fifth energy centre located at the base of your throat near your cervical vertebrae. It brings forth your creativity and communications.
Colour - Light Blue.

Brow Chakra
Located in the centre of your forehead it provides you with imagination, insights and intuition. The Pineal Gland is sometimes called the Third Eye and represents Unified Consciousness.
Colour - Indigo.

Crown Chakra
The seventh chaktra is found slightly above the top of your head and is related to knowledge and understanding.
Representing the formless, it carries all the colours of the Rainbow.
Please note, some have designated other colours to these energy centres.
The chakra centres are considered subtle energies of consciousness and blockages in one or more can result in diss-ease and ultimately disease, hence the need to keep the flow of energy running smoothly throughout.
And no, you don't need to become a Buddhist monk holed up in a cave in the Himalayas to achieve this, just become informed and mindful of what is happening within your body.

Match your energy centres with the corresponding elements and come into vibrational resonance.

Take your time!