Oracle of Consciousness
#57 - Quantum

What is Quantum Entanglement?

Quantum is reducing matter to its lowest common denominator, which is energy or essence.
Entanglement is to tangle, intertwine, or enmesh something together.
"Our lives are full of quantum entanglements.
Quantum entanglement is where two or more states become correlated.
Consider a proton and an electron, they become entangled and connected even when separated at vast distances, and yes even light years apart!
These are very tiny subatomic states.
Susan A. Manewich MS
Quantum Entanglement then, is the science behind -
"All things are connected like the blood which unites one family. All things are connected.
Whatever befalls the earth befalls the sons of the earth.
Man did not weave the web of life; he is merely a strand in it.
Everything is connected."
Chief Seattle

There have been scientific experiments done by taking a sample of DNA, splitting it, taking one of the sections and sending it a thousand kilometres away.
Then doing experiments on the remaining part of the DNA, and simultaneously, the exact same effect is created on the other part, a long distance away.
This is the proven science that everything is connected, the essence that flows through everything, is One singular stream of energy, or whatever label we want to call it.

Quantum entanglement provides us in a tangible form, a sense of connection, particularly with twins.
Twins can be separated by a long distance from each other and one twin can get a sense, a knowingness, that there is something not quite right, there's a problem, something is happening with my sister or my brother, as twins are usually so intimately connected.
When we look at this phenomena, then we see that the science of quantum physics and quantum theory is validating what the sages of old have been telling us, that all things are connected.

Now it’s being validated that we're moving towards a beautiful state, a new way of Being, Doing and Having here on Earth where this essence, our interconnectedness, that flows through everything is being acknowledged from a scientific perspective, as well as a spiritual level.
This is leading us to the 'Event Horizon', 'The Tipping Point', or 'Critical Mass' for humanity, when collectively the intellectuals, experimenters, historians, doctors, futurists, and general public, et al, realise that yes, we are all of this One, the same essence, source and origin.
We are all brothers and sisters within the one human family and beyond.
This day is dawning!
We are 'quantum-ly' entangled with everyone and everything on this planet, (and beyond), with every tree, every plant, every element of water, earth, air, ether, nothing is separate!

Contemplate upon that.