Oracle of Consciousness
# 16 -Understanding

Heart Virtue - Understanding
There is no doubt that through the intelligent mind, human beings have made some extraordinary advances in technology, medical technology, Information Technology, mechanics, robotics and AI, all of these have come from the intelligent mind, as opposed to the fear-based, ego-mind.

Our road to heart mastery is through another one of the heart virtues, which is:
Our understanding of any topic is limited to the point of where we're not able to conceptualise it and further, to get an idea, or an image of what is being addressed.
Whether it's a conversation, a person, something mechanical, some understanding of life, the universe and everything!
We have varying degrees of understanding, from a very limited perspective, to the specialists and experts, who have developed a greater understanding.
Dr. Bruce Lipton and Gregg Braden are two fine examples who have enormous understanding of science, biology and spirituality.

So, it is advisable, if we are moving into the heart-centredness of our life, that we understand ourselves much better.
Part of that process has been around for a long, long time, posing the questions to ourselves, so that we can gain a bigger and greater understanding of who we are.
Here’s some worthwhile questions:
"Who am I?"
"Why am I here?"
"Where did I come from?"
"What is my purpose for being here?"

All of these questions, if we take the time to pose them and contemplate from our heart, not necessarily from the mind, but from our heart, with its own innate intelligence, its own long and short-term memory, we will garner more understanding of who we are, why we behave in a certain way, what is our character, and what drives us?
Then it naturally unfolds that we have a greater understanding of other people, what drives them and without necessarily judging them right or wrong, good or bad, just having a greater understanding of where people are coming from and why they are that way.
Why do they behave that way?

There are always two sides to a coin.
In order to master life, we really need to embrace both sides of ourselves, the shadow and the light.
The journey to the heart is the path to liberation, and freedom.
Freedom is the path to Consciousness.
Moving out of the head and into our heart.
Let's not debase the work and nature of the intelligent and ego-minds, because they have led us to some extraordinary revelations and overcoming of our challenges .

We don't want to overcome our challenges with the mind alone, they need to be driven by our heart.

Allow your heart to come up with the solutions to your questions, then embrace and change yourself, changing others around you and ultimately, raising the
collective consciousness
of the human family.

Towards a greater understanding