Oracle of Consciousness
#72 - Finding the Triune

What is a Triune?

Tri = three
Unus = One
In this case we take a three-sided triangle, observe two corners at the base converging into one pinnacle.

We live in a dualistic multiverse, where there are pairs of everything.
Hot and Cold
Day and Night
Masculine and Feminine
Fear and Love

In order to successfully navigate our way through the duality of life, we need to have a useful tool to guide us to the common denominator, something that goes beyond the 'twoness,' to the non-dual.

Photo by Alexander Nrjwolf on Unsplash
Photo by Alexander Nrjwolf on Unsplash

Photo by Alexander Nrjwolf on Unsplash
Photo by Alexander Nrjwolf on Unsplash

Photo by Alexander Nrjwolf on Unsplash
Photo by Alexander Nrjwolf on Unsplash
Beyond duality, there is Oneness.
Look for this in everyone and everything.

Seeing the Oneness in every situation

Seeing beyond the illusion
Suspending any judgement - 'good' or 'bad,' 'attractive' or 'ugly' and consciously look or sense, what lies behind the duality.
Momentarily dismantle the idea of separateness or disconnection, for that is an illusion
You will always find the Oneness.
There is no 'Other'!

Beyond the duality we are all Human Beings



Photo by Kelly Searle on Unsplash
Photo by Kelly Searle on Unsplash
If we look for the triune, we see the interconnecteness of Oneness in everything, there is no duality.
This is what we have to see within ourselves first, that we are all One.
We are one human family, all one species here on this earth and when we can adapt or be more be willing to accept that beyond Duality, there is Oneness, everything will change for the better.

When we see and realise this, why would we ever want to harm another person, or destroy the rainforest, pollute the air, water and soil?
What we do to another, we do to ourselves, so why would we want to cause them and ourselves harm physically, emotionally or mentally?
Why would want to separate ourselves from someone because they have a different set of beliefs than us?
Why would we dishonour and disrespect our Mother Earth?
Why would we cause harm to other sentient species?
We do have a choice!

Support the interconnectedness of all life.