Oracle of Consciousness
# 9 - Sacred Feminine

Here we celebrate all women, for without them, you and I would not be here.
The Sacred Feminine always
smiles from her heart.

Delving into the depths of conscious, caring, and powerful attributes of women, we are here to celebrate their contribution to the world.
With the transformation of the human family, comes the necessity to bring a balance in the masculine and feminine energies.
One day in the not-so-distant future, men and women will walk hand in hand, in equality, respect and deeply honouring each other.
This day is dawning.

The Sacred Feminine is not afraid
to get her hands dirty.
The sacred feminine is always prepared to step out of her comfort zone and do whatever is necessary to get the job done.
Her looks and what people think of her, are unimportant.
She is comfortable in her own skin, whether it is dirty, wrinkled, coloured, or scarred.
She can rub shoulders with the masculine and pull her weight, without losing her dignity and humility.

The Sacred Feminine is
proud of her heritage.
The sacred feminine sees herself as child of the Universe, whilst still enjoying and celebrating her heritage.
She honours the differences in the gender, religion, colour, sexual preference, and the nationalities of all who cross her path, for she knows in her heart, we are all part of the one human family.
She is multidimensional, deep, and committed to unity.
She is you and I, as we are her.
The Sacred Feminine
celebrates her wisdom.
Wisdom, we know, is attained through the marriage of Knowledge and Practical Experience.
The sacred feminine shares this wisdom with young and old, but sometimes, because of her humility, you may have to ask the right question to unleash her wisdom.
She honours her learnings and experiences, garnered throughout her life.
She is the receptacle of great and wise stories.
All you have to do is to ask her.

Photo by Ayo Ogunseinde on Unsplash
Photo by Ayo Ogunseinde on Unsplash

The Sacred Feminine
appreciates everything.
The sacred feminine lives in a perpetual state of gratitude and appreciation, no matter what!
She sees her life as a journey, acknowledges the ups and downs and embraces each with courage and non-resistance.
She sees opportunities in everything; opportunities to grow, experience and gain wisdom.
She is the epitome of positiveness, while undeniably embracing her challenges.
The Sacred Feminine reaches
for greater heights.
She is always on the path of continuous improvement and becoming a better version of herself.
Unafraid to leave her comfort zone behind, she steps boldly into new territory.
Relentlessly pursuing the path of increased consciousness, via her heart, the sacred feminine paves the way for others (male and female) to follow.
She masters her mind, emotions, and body, to evolve into the new, fully conscious, Human Being.

The Sacred Feminine is unstoppable.
The sacred feminine is passionate about her life and unstoppable in her pursuit of her purpose.
At the same time, she knows when to pause and take stock, top up and revitalise herself.
She is determined, resilient, persistent, and uncompromising about upholding and living her values.
There is no holding her back, for she knows who she is and for what reason she is here!
The Sacred Feminine deals with
surprises in a dignified manner.
The sacred feminine is no stranger to surprises, but how she deals with them, is without drama.
Cool headed by nature, she takes everything in her stride, good and bad, knowing she will emerge wiser and more conscious.
She is a pillar of calmness, certainty, and peace.
She is what our world needs now!

The Sacred Feminine has music
running through her veins.
The sacred feminine is a highly creative spirit, tapping into the infinite Field of Potentiality.
She has music, art, poetry, and words, flowing through her, mixing with her innate creativity, and shared with the whole world.
She is a creative genius - who can Geni-Us
The Sacred Feminine knows
her passion and purpose.
The sacred feminine is filled with passion and purpose.
She knows in her heart; what it is she is to do and what she has to share with the world.
She is determined and measures her success by the warmth of her heart.
She values cooperation over competition.
She is a fearless leader, role model, mother, daughter, and example to be followed, although in her humility, she seeks no followers.

The Sacred Feminine remains
focussed, no matter what.
The sacred feminine knows that crisis is the driver of change and so welcomes the challenges in her life.
She is relentless, tireless, and determined.
She knows what needs to be done and musters up all her courage and bravery to push through no matter what.
She is admired for her leadership qualities.
The Sacred Feminine is in
touch with her feelings.
The sacred feminine is an empath, she feels her way through life, through her heart and intuition.
She is authentic about what she says and feels.
She is also sensitive about other people's energy and offers her compassion.
She is in tune with Mother Earth and all the species who inhabit her.

The Sacred Feminine honours
and respects her body.
The sacred feminine is in touch with and honours every part of her body, through her food choices, exercise, rest, and play.
She knows this vehicle is the temple for her soul and is to be respected.
She grows older gracefully and with dignity.
She is appreciative of this gift of life her parents gave to her and is grateful for the pleasure her body gives to herself and others.
The Sacred Feminine feels her
sadness and lets it go.
The sacred feminine is deeply connected to her feelings, whether they be happy or sad.
She embraces, feels and let’s go any past upsets, pain, or suffering, knowing that she is something much more, beyond those experiences.
Her authenticity precludes masking her feelings or true identity, so:
"What you see, is what you’re gonna get!"

The Sacred Feminine loves
to journal her life.
The sacred feminine is deeply grateful for all experiences in her life, and loves to capture them in her journal, to self-reflect, or share with others at a later date.
Her wisdom: the sum of her knowledge and practical experience, is priceless to her.
She speaks from this wisdom and her open heart.
She thoroughly endorses the adage:
"There is a book in everyone."
The Sacred Feminine speaks
her authentic truth.
The sacred feminine always speaks her authentic truth, even if it makes her body shake and her heart race.
She does not do well with BS, so don't try it on her, you WILL be caught out.
She honours her truth and does not attempt to enforce it on others.
She humbly says what needs to be said, using discernment, discretion and unafraid of the consequences.

The Sacred Feminine takes
time out for herself.
It is important for the sacred feminine to allow herself some quality "Me" time, to reflect, contemplate and align herself.
She is drawn to Nature and especially wilderness because it is that which reflects her "Wild" characteristics.
She has been known to shout out at the top of her voice in these places, releasing that which no longer serves her, or from the sheer exhilaration of being able to do so!
She honours and respects all aspects of herself.
The Sacred Feminine knows how
to grow older graciously.
For the sacred feminine, age is irrelevant; the quality of her life, far outweighs the quantity.
She grows older gracefully and with much dignity.
She is fearless of death, knowing her body is a mere covering to what really lies within.
Like a snake sheds its skin, when the time is right, she too will let this body go and allow her spirit to fly free.

The Sacred Feminine knows her real
beauty comes from the inside.
The sacred feminine is very comfortable with her external appearance and knows she is enough.
She is connected to her heart, the source of her inner and outer beauty.
She reflects the beauty of Nature, from whence she came.
You can see this in her eyes and feel it in your heart.
The Sacred Feminine knows she came from, and will return to Nature.
The sacred feminine is grounded and inextricably connected with Mother Earth.
She recognises and embraces the vibrational frequency of Nature, matches, and resonates with her own.
She finds solace in Nature, knowing she is a reflection of what she is seeing and feeling.
She knows only too well, that one day, she will return to Nature.

“The feminine are the portals to forgotten knowledge.
To ancient energy, medicine, creation and recalibrating the soul back to it's original source self.
Before being human got in the way.”
Nikki Rowe