Oracle of Consciousness
#7 - Celebrating
Mother Nature

Everything we need to survive and thrive comes from Mother Nature.
Let's celebrate her generousity, along with the ability to renew and regenerate herself.
We came from Nature and will return there.
Cause for celebration!
Everything we need to survive and thrive comes from Nature
In this moment, pause, take a look around you and identify something that has NOT originated from the earth.
All the basics, our food, shelter, clothing, and transport are rooted in Mother Nature.
She deserves our respect.
Let's honour her for what she gives to us so freely and lovingly.
Humans and Nature can co-operate in perfect harmony together
We are stewards of our precious Earth.
For thousands of years, human beings worked in concert with nature, producing and consuming only what they needed.
Working with nature, instead of against her.
It is time to regain this connection and the spirit of cooperation and collaboration.
When we honour and respect Mother Nature fully, we come into magical alignment.
When we align our energy with that of Nature, a sense of coherence prevails, where we feel connected.
No longer separated, or feeling superior to Nature, our behaviours will change towards her, to others and ourselves.
We will feel more complete and more in tune with everything around us.
The vibrational frequency of Nature, is the samefrequency as at the core of our being.
Albert Einstein once said "Everything is energy" - not somethings, but everything!
Therefore, we are that energy, the one same energy as Nature.
When we align those two energies, ours and Nature as one, we become whole.
From fiords to fields, mountains to molehills,
Nature never disappoints!
How could anyone be disappointed at the vast diversity of Nature?
From giant majestic whales in the ocean, to the tiniest microbes in the earth, always in motion, renewing and co-contributing to the overall wellbeing of our planet.
What a gift!
Who could ever deny the exquisite intelligent design of Nature?
Think about this for a moment – What sort of intelligence is behind Nature and all life?
How totally unfathomable is it, for us to conceive of such an intelligent design.
Tell me how a lotus seed knows how it is destined to grow into a lotus and not a lily, rose, or a daffodil?
Welcome to the web of life!
Chief Seattle is attributed with the statement:
"All things are connected."
The great seen and unseen web of life links everything and everyone of us together.
No-one, no-thing, no-species is left out.
This web goes by many names, none of which can possibly truly fit that which remains nameless.
From the depths of the great oceans to nearby space, Nature prevails.
Nature is everywhere, observed or not.
Just because we cannot see it, doesn't mean it is not there or does not exist.
Microscopic life forms play an equally important role, as do the giant redwood trees of California.
Size does not matter!
All is equal.
Like the caterpillar to the butterfly.
We humans are going through our own metamorphosis.
The caterpillar gorges itself on leaves, three times its body weight, before hanging upside down to solidify its outer shell.
Then it dissolves into quantum soup, knowing it is dying, but the imaginal cells within that "soup", know something beautiful is emerging.
We are birthing a new humanity.
Stand tall, as we must, to weather the challenges of life
Mother nature shows us how to live.
Powerful and resilient like the mountain.
Flexible and strong like bamboo.
Graceful and light like a butterfly.
Soaring high like the eagle.
Swift and agile as a hawk.
Dedication to work like the beaver.
Connected to family as the elephant.
The majestic eagle reminds us that we too, can fly high.
Soaring high on an upward thermal, with razor sharp eyes, the eagle seeks its prey.
They are powerful and never back down.
Attentive to their young, their power softens to become caring and nurturing.
The eagle represents courage and foresight - great qualities for us to emulate.
Just as the wave is inseparable from the ocean, so are we from Nature.
The wave is an integral part of the ocean, just as we are an integral part of the human family and beyond.
Immersing ourselves in Nature, brings forth a sense of familiarity and connection.
It revitalises and grounds us to our true mother, Mother Earth!
"We are not a drop in the ocean,
we are the ocean in a drop."
Following death, all around us new life emerges.
Nothing in the Physical Universe lasts forever.
It is in a constant state of flux, dying off and rebirthing, in a process of renewal and regeneration.
So, it is with us, with our entire bodies renewing itself every seven years.
Out with the old, in with the new!
Endless spirals of the
Fibonacci Sequence.
The Fibonacci Sequence (also known as the Golden Ratio) starts like this:
0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55 and so on forever.
Each number is the sum of the two numbers that precede it.
This sequence can be found time and time again in nature, unfolding into beautiful patterns.
Animals have an uncanny ability to sense danger, well before we do!
On numerous occasions, animals, birds, and insects have left an area well ahead of any danger perceived by humans.
This has been witnessed regarding earthquakes, tsunamis, and wildfires with no apparent prior warning signs.
Such is their remarkable instinct and inbuilt survival mechanism.
Inside the acorn, lies an
entire oak tree.
Think about every seed for a moment?
Given the right conditions (Held within its own Morphogenic Field), the little seed has the potential to grow into a huge, fully mature tree, flowering and giving off its fruit and seeds.
The same applies to the human family, we actually grow into what already exits in the Unified Field of Potential.
Our life span is determined by this field.
The wise old owl showing us, that we too, have our own innate wisdom to share.
Owls have highly acute hearing, superb eyesight, and almost silent flight.
There is always something mysterious about the owl, perhaps it is in those eyes?
A predominantly solitary bird, showing us that we too can be comfortable in our own skin and company.
Conditions prevailing, Nature always
provides abundance.
With the appropriate soil, water and sunlight, seeds can germinate and sprout, to give us a huge variety of edible plants, nuts, fruit, and liquids.
We too, can become abundant in our pursuits, characteristics, and values.
Compassion, caring, sharing, gratitude and understanding are a good place to start.
Take the time to stop and
observe Nature.
Look, listen, feel, and learn.
There is so much to learn from nature.
Indigenous folk were and are in tune with nature, knowing which plants are good for them, giving thanks for animals, birds and fish that sacrificed their lives to become their food.
Knowing about sustainability, they utilised every part of their catch, with no wastage.
Revel in the beauty of Nature, for you have the same within you.
It has been said that if you can see qualities in others that you admire, then you must have them within you, otherwise they would go unnoticed.
The same applies to experiencing something in Nature, be it a birdsong, stunning sunset or a tropical rainforest.
If you witness the outer beauty, you must have this inside you!
Nature sends her messages through synchronicity, watch for them.
When we truly come in tune and in alignment with Mother Nature, she miraculously brings us synchronous examples of what we need to know or follow in that moment.
It is like there is just one of us and she is guiding and reinforcing what is happening to us on the inside.
There are no coincidences!
Only synchronicities.
Nature does not make mistakes
While we may consider that Nature has got this or that wrong, perhaps that is our skewered concept?
Everything in Nature is perfect.
And to take a leaf out of her book, it well behoves us to see how are lives have and are unfolding, and in hindsight could be considered perfect.
Life has given us the lessons to embrace, challenges to overcome and the where-with-all to carry on our journey.
Look to Mother Nature for guidance, synchronicities and the answers.