Oracle of Consciousness

# 64 - Radical Surrender

silhouette of trees during sunset


To give in to a powerful emotion or influence.

Radical Surrender and
Radical Acceptance

And no, you won’t find me walking the streets waving a white flag, or on my hands and knees begging for mercy.

Instead, you will find me in a state of inner dialogue, direct self-enquiry and contemplation, as to what it is I wish to surrender into, radically.


Examples of our current, unsustainable reality,
like it or not!

Conflict &

pink and white flower petals

Photo by CDC on Unsplash

Photo by CDC on Unsplash


two man cutting standing on ladder and cutting tree

Photo by Souro Souvik on Unsplash

Photo by Souro Souvik on Unsplash




Greed & Corruption



This is part of our current reality; that good people like you and I are vested with the responsibility to change, because self-regulation at the upper echelons of power, in politics and many corporate board rooms are not going to happen, as many have fallen to worshipping the almighty dollar, at the expense of everyone else and the health of our planet.

Reminder to self:

Healthy, fair and equitable profits are good.

Giving back and paying forward are good.

Sustainable, renewable and regenerative businesses are good.

Fairness and equality in the workplace are good qualities.

So it is up to us; you, me and millions of other awakening people in all walks of life, to pick up the gauntlet and do what we can to bring about the much-needed changes.

We are the global force coming together, as humanity’s immune system, kicking in to transform Separateness into Interconnectedness and beyond.

Through Radical Surrender and not fighting with reality, but Radically Accepting the current reality and pledging to create a more equitable, safer, harmonious and peaceful existence here on Earth.

Are you onboard with this?