Oracle of Consciousness
#29 - Be Guided By
Your Heart

When in doubt,
ask your heart

We already know that our heart has its own intelligence, long and short-term memory.
It has its own brain.
It's propelled by love and is the portal to other dimensions.
Powered by compassion, kindness, forgiveness, understanding; all of the heart virtues are the drivers of our heart.

Photo by Marek Studzinski on Unsplash
Photo by Marek Studzinski on Unsplash
The physical and energetic structures of the heart

Energetic Heart

Physical Heart Pump
Sometimes it's difficult and often we are reluctant to make choices, because in the past, we've made decisions that have not boded well for us.
They have not turned out as we expected and so there's been disappointment in the choices and decisions we've made.
When there is a reluctance to make a decision, now we're sitting on the fence, either-or, neither-nor, and of course, that's really a stuckness, isn't it?
We're not making progress in either direction.
We are in limbo
Very often, it's as a result of what we believe and have judged as 'bad' choices and 'bad' decisions in the past.
Let me tell you, you have not made any 'bad' choices in your life.
You have just made choices and had experiences.
That's all it was.

You made a conscious or unconscious decision to experience something and you had an attachment to that expectation and when it didn't turn out the way you expected it, there was disappointment.
But within that nugget, there's a great lesson.
And if you look at it, you might say “Ummm, I wouldn't make that choice again”.
But how would you know that?
How would you arrive at that conclusion, if you hadn't made the choice and decision in the first place?

Photo by Clay Banks on Unsplash
Photo by Clay Banks on Unsplash

Photo by Valentin Salja on Unsplash
Photo by Valentin Salja on Unsplash
So, all we're doing is meandering around experiencing the gift of life, the ups and downs, the pain and joy.
That's why we came here, to experience the duality (one coin, two sides - two of everything), to experience our creations.
Now if we keep repeating the same destructive behaviours, then we're not learning our lessons and we will, at a some level of our consciousness, keep attracting the same circumstances into our life, until we get the lesson.
Once we have learnt the lesson, and have taken responsibility for it, we can move on, not having to repeat those 'same-old-same-old' behaviours.
Take a look at your life without any judgment and see that all that has transpired are experiences.
If you choose, it is within your capacity to change your life.
Make your choices based on your heart and your heart will guide you in the right direction.
The ego will drive you into fear and separateness, superiority, judgment, victimhood, cynicism; don't be guided by the ego, be guided by your heart, that big, beautiful energy centre that contains all the answers for you.
After all, it is the portal to the infinite

Photo by Eric Froehling on Unsplash
Photo by Eric Froehling on Unsplash
Ask yourself this question:
"What would love do now?"
Neal Donald Walsch

Step into the power of love.
There is no greater force.