Oracle of Consciousness
# 8 - Creating a
Better World

You may well ask:
“What is it going to take to create a more desirable world for us all?”
The answer is, a fundamental shift in consciousness.
That is, a change in the emphasis, direction and focus of how we view ourselves, others, and everything in our lives.
The change involves adjusting and modifying our perception, perspectives and beliefs, which ultimately transforms our behaviours into upgraded, life-supporting, and improved actions.
In short, we will behave wisely and more intelligently across all facets of life.
This is the end-result of becoming more aware, more conscious.
The SHIFT has hit the fan! (Sorry, I couldn’t resist that!)
Crisis is the driver of change.
Consciousness is the answer.
At a subtle, mainly unrecognised, and unpublicised level, the shift in consciousness has already started en masse and has been in place for some time now.
People are waking up.
You won’t hear about this through the mainstream media, but just because you are not informed about it, doesn’t mean it is not happening.
Awakening people are drawing back the curtains of illusion, permitting the light of consciousness to flood in, revealing the truth of their existence.
These conscious changes and choices are unprecedented.
We have never experienced such a magnitude of awakening in all our human history and yes, we still have a way to go in order to bring about our better world, but mark my words, it is happening!
How do we do that?
Firstly, acknowledging and seeing that change is vitally essential for our overall health, wellbeing, safety, and security as a species, along with the Earth and all of her life forms, including the biosphere and ecosystems.
Secondly, at a personal and collective level to become more aware and conscious of the quality of our behaviours and shifting them to becoming more insightful, smarter, rational, and more responsible.
Where do we start?
Well naturally, because it is under our control, everything has to start with ourselves.
We commence by observing your own behaviours, what are the noticeable actions that we are conducting in our day-to-day life?
Ask these questions of yourself:
“Are they wise?”
“How do I treat myself?”
“How do I treat other people?”
“Are my behaviours intelligent?”
“How do I treat the planet as a whole?”
“Are they kind, caring, sharing, compassionate and understanding behaviours?”
“How do I treat my belonging, and the assets of others?”
“How do I treat my immediate environment, in which I work, live and play?”
“How do I treat future generations who will inherit the legacy I leave behind?”
And then modifying those harmful behaviours that you have become aware of, through the above process.
You see, by becoming more conscious, it's our perceptions, perspectives, beliefs and behaviours that will change. And that all starts with what we think and believe about ourselves and what is currently happening on our planet.
It is our ruthless honesty and deep inner reflection that will uncover the root cause of our difficulties and challenges that lay ahead of us, in creating a better world.
Bringing about our fundamental shift in consciousness will change everything.
What does our better, upgraded world look like?
How about a peaceful and harmonious co-existence between all men, women and children, no matter what their ethnicity, faith, gender, race, the language they use, or any other status?
We are all equal, no-one is better or more superior to another and no-one is discriminated against.
We celebrate our differences
Humanity lives free from slavery, human trafficking, racism, bullying, abuse, or discrimination
We have ready access to meaningful work without exploitation, useful, applicable, left-and-right brain learning, access to affordable health facilities and services
No one is hungry, in poverty or deprived of their freedom in any form
Rightful practice of the various cultures is revered
Our ecosystems and biosphere are healthy and vibrant
We utilise and ethically manage renewable energy resources, and make use of regenerative agriculture
We call upon indigenous wisdom and critical thinking to resolve our challenges
There is an even distribution of wealth, with sharing economies flourishing at a local level
Science, Information Technology, Financial and other organisational services are applied for the betterment of all.
Conscious consumerism is the norm, as with renewable and the regeneration of resources, along with excellent waste minimisation and management
Bottom-up decision making within communities to meet their needs and support for local industries
Governance is by the people for the people, with the nation’s populace being the oversight ‘committee' for a single-party governing structure, providing beyond sustainable solutions that benefit all.
Punishment has been replaced with rehabilitation
The arts and artists in all fields are valued and encouraged
The Earth is honoured and respected by all.
Well protected, utilised and respected marine and national parks
This just a taste of what is possible and as the human family, it is up to us to create it.
Here’s towards a better world!
“You may call me a dreamer,
but I am not the only one.”
John Lennon
And so be it!