Oracle of Consciousness
#10 - Sacred Masculine

Celebrating the Sacred Masculine
We have within all of us two primary energies, one being feminine and the other masculine.
Unfortunately, in most people, there is an observable imbalance of these energies, which can be remedied.
This article ventures into commencing this balancing act and what the sacred masculine could look like.

Here we explore what it is to be, or become, an authentic male, divorced from the pseudo-macho traits of inauthenticity and ego.

Photo by Thom Holmes on Unsplash
Photo by Thom Holmes on Unsplash
The Sacred Masculine stays in touch,
because you are important to him.
The sacred masculine is familiar with and embodies his values, those which are important to him.
Connection is one of his core values, along with integrity, certainty, variety, meaning, love, personal and collective consciousness and being of service.
He is reliable and trustworthy, caring and considerate.
The Sacred Masculine doesn't care
what people think about him.
The sacred masculine is comfortable with who and what he is.
He knows the principle that "We really don't know with certainty what people think of us, only what WE think they may be thinking!"
What people think of him is unimportant and that is their business.
What he thinks about himself is all that matters.

Photo by Elizeu Dias on Unsplash
Photo by Elizeu Dias on Unsplash

Photo by Jackson David on Unsplash
Photo by Jackson David on Unsplash
The Sacred Masculine is always there to give a helping hand.
The sacred masculine values being of service.
He is always there when help is needed, because he is connected to his compassionate heart.
While he honours, respects and tends to himself, often he will put helping others ahead in his hierarchy of needs.
He is reliable, a rock, dependable and a true friend.
The Sacred Masculine has often been knocked down, but always gets up again.
The sacred masculine has been around the block a few times.
He has been knocked down, but more importantly, he always gets up again.
He values perseverance, persistence and focus.
He is in life for the duration, no dilettantism, no dabbling, but pure, sincere participation.

Photo by Jonathan Borba on Unsplash
Photo by Jonathan Borba on Unsplash
The Sacred Masculine is full of surprises
The sacred masculine is sensitive to others energy and needs.
He loves to spring surprises and share his humour.
He is all about giving from his heart, with no expectations of anything in return.
He finds great joy and satisfaction with being of service to others.
The Sacred Masculine keeps a track of
his life and shares it with others.
The sacred masculine appreciates everything that is unfolding in his life, no matter what form it takes.
He enjoys responding when asked for advice and sharing his innate and well-earnt wisdom.
He is no braggart, but quietly and humbly gets on with his life in a meaningful way.
He values and honours other people's opinions.

Photo by Fray Bekele on Unsplash
Photo by Fray Bekele on Unsplash
The Sacred Masculine can be quite serious
if the need arises.
The sacred masculine is adaptable, resilient and lives in the moment.
He fully embraces the need to be genuine, sincere, happy and serious, when it is called for.
He is connected to his chosen path, passion and purpose.
His behaviours are wise, non-violent and serve the bigger picture that benefits all.
The Sacred Masculine loves
the outdoors and Nature
The sacred masculine is an adventurer at heart, exploring both his inner world and outer.
Deeply connected to all life, he finds solace and alignment in Nature.
He can be both a solitary explorer, or wonderful companion.
He is living his life outside his comfort zone.

Photo by Slav Romanov on Unsplash
Photo by Slav Romanov on Unsplash

Photo by Dasha Urvachova on Unsplash
Photo by Dasha Urvachova on Unsplash
The Sacred Masculine is in touch
with his gentler side
Oh yes, the sacred masculine is every bit a man, but he also has another, softer side.
He doesn't have to exhibit a phoney machismo, but an authentic masculinity.
He is in balance.
He is authentic and unafraid to show is emotions.
The Sacred Masculine takes quality time out for himself, to recharge
The sacred masculine knows when to stop, take stock of his life and recharge his batteries.
He is at peace and totally comfortable with himself.
Independent, strong, adventurous and courageous.
He bounces back with vigour, enthusiasm and passion.

Photo by Ian Stauffer on Unsplash
Photo by Ian Stauffer on Unsplash

Photo by Sebastián León Prado on Unsplash
Photo by Sebastián León Prado on Unsplash
The Sacred Masculine recognises and acknowledges you.
From the sacred masculine, you will get an acknowledgement, validation, or pat on the back.
He is appreciative of you, your creativity and contribution.
He shows his gratefulness at every opportunity.
You know around him, you are valued.
The Sacred Masculine reflects and contemplates life's offerings
There is depth to the sacred masculine.
He retains a natural curiousity to delve deeply within and to uncover what makes people tick.
He understands that each of life's challenges have brought him the gift of understanding.
He is guided by the wisdom of his heart.

Photo by Dmitry Vechorko on Unsplash
Photo by Dmitry Vechorko on Unsplash

Photo by Elijah Hiett on Unsplash
Photo by Elijah Hiett on Unsplash
The Sacred Masculine is not afraid to
take risks, but knows his limits
The sacred masculine lives outside the box.
He is an adventurer, beyond his comfort zone.
He will take calculated risks, but avoids harming himself or others.
He is brave and courageous.
The Sacred Masculine has a great sense of humour and can laugh at himself.
The sacred masculine knows he and we, are the great "Cosmic Joke"!
He takes life sincerely, but no seriously.
He sees through the veils of illusion, to what is there.
Ease and Flow are his middle names!

Photo by Dorrell Tibbs on Unsplash
Photo by Dorrell Tibbs on Unsplash

Photo by Thom Holmes on Unsplash
Photo by Thom Holmes on Unsplash
The Sacred Masculine can be totally focussed, when the right time arises.
Fully present and focussed, is the sacred masculine.
With unwavering commitment to the task, or relationship at hand.
He keeps his attention on the very next step, knowing and confident that the desired end result will manifest.
He trusts his own capabilities and strengths.
The Sacred Masculine is not about money or competition, but more about co-operation and collaboration.
The sacred masculine is a natural peacemaker.
He values cooperation and connection, above competitiveness.
He sees that any form of separateness, leads to causing harm.
He immerses himself in unity, wholeness and transparency.

Photo by krakenimages on Unsplash
Photo by krakenimages on Unsplash

Photo by Ehimetalor Akhere Unuabona on Unsplash
Photo by Ehimetalor Akhere Unuabona on Unsplash
The Sacred Masculine will stand his ground where his values are concerned.
The sacred masculine's life is values driven.
He upholds his values in every moment, being them, living them and respecting them.
Integrity is at the top of his list.
He observes without judgement, what is being said and what is being played out.
He is discerning.
The Sacred Masculine loves to tinker.
Tinker with this and that.
Because he can!
The sacred masculine is a bit of a handyman, able to turn his hand to many facets of life.
He is creative and loves making things.
He is multi-talented and multi-skilled.
He has a natural, innate curiosity to find out how things work.

Photo by Aiony Haust on Unsplash
Photo by Aiony Haust on Unsplash
The Sacred Masculine knows the shadow side of himself, and his other side too!
The sacred masculine embraces the Yin & Yang, knowing that to be complete and whole, we have to bring the two aspects together as one.
He is comfortable with his shadow side, doesn't project it on others and realises the important lessons that come from it.
At a deeper level, he knows he attracted various life challenges to himself, in order to grow more conscious.
He is guided to Wholeness and Unity.
The Sacred Masculine's word is his honour,
and you know he will keep it.
When the sacred masculine says he is going to do something, he does it.
He is a man of his word.
He values integrity and looks for it in others.
He is reliable, trustworthy and genuine.

Photo by haad ul zaman on Unsplash
Photo by haad ul zaman on Unsplash

Photo by Toa Heftiba on Unsplash
Photo by Toa Heftiba on Unsplash
The Sacred Masculine is totally cool with who he is and I mean, totally cool!
The sacred masculine is in a state of perpetual surrender and acceptance, about who and what he is.
He has come to grips, honours and respects every aspect of himself, nothing left out.
There is nothing phoney or inauthentic about the sacred masculine.
He works at being the best version of himself, on a daily basis.
"An awakened man is a warrior of the heart.
He calls to other conscious men to join the revelution, to lay down their ego and with true masculine energy demonstrate what in means to return love"
Daniel Nielsen