Oracle of Consciousness
#32 - We Don't Die

It is my understanding that although our body will inevitably stop breathing,
that which animates it,
does not die.
How could it, it is infinite consciousness,
which was never born,
nor will ever die.
This consciousness has always been there and will never cease to exist.
What follows are my personal experiences with four important people in my life who
have ‘passed away’.

Experience # 1
The year was 1972 – After my Vietnam War experience, I had been hitchhiking around Europe for two years when I learnt of my dad’s illness and immediately returned to Perth, Australia.
I was 26 years young at the time.
He was diagnosed with a rare respiratory disease and had been in a coma for 6 weeks.
I was the last to see him alive and as I spoke, he emerged from the coma, we embraced each other, chatted, reminisced and I departed a couple of minutes past 6pm.

Immediately on my arrival home my mum called to say he had passed away.
Two weeks later, I was co-training to be a life coach with a friend and we were in-session, in a deep state of reverie, eyes closed, accessing the theta/delta brain wave frequencies.

All of a sudden, I felt a powerful feeling of unfettered love envelope my entire body accompanied by an almost blinding, brilliant light.
This was a sensation I was totally unfamiliar with and it took me by surprise, but without losing my composure, it became vividly apparent that it was my dad.
We communicated telepathically, soul-to-soul and he expressed his deepest gratitude for posing my question to him –
“You have a choice dad, whether to keep this body and if you do we will support you fully, or if you wish to go, it is okay and we will honour and respect your decision."
As soon as I left his bedside around 6pm on that last day, he left his body.
He had made his choice.
Back to the coaching session - the ‘conversation’ between my father and I lasted a few minutes, was filled with love and as I emerged from this vision and opened my eyes, my co-coach had a look of absolute bewilderment on his face and blurted out:
“What the f**k was that?”
(excuse my language)
I almost recounted my experience to him, but remembered I was training to become a coach, so I posed this question –
“What was your experience?”
He said it seemed like someone had turned on football stadium lights in the room and he was enveloped in the deepest and purest love he had ever experienced.
We both had exactly the same occurrence, which validated my own experience and that I hadn’t imagined or made up a story in my head.
I had not taken any mind-altering substances either, as that not allowed during these training sessions.
The consciousness that animated my dad’s body had left and it never died.
Experience # 2
The year is 2007 - I am in West Africa on a major project when my daughter Nikki called from Australia to let me know her mum, my ex-wife Tricia, had just passed away in the wee small hours.
Needless to say, I didn’t get back to sleep.
Just before dawn, I started my daily yoga routine and almost immediately felt her overwhelmingly beautiful presence.
She had come to visit and let me know that she was no longer in pain from her illness, mental despair, or emotional turmoil.
We exchanged our heart-felt gratitude for the 20 years we spent together, raising Nikki, travelling extensively to exotic locations, working and living a quality life and fulfilling our desire to adventure out into the world.
Photo by Hulki Okan Tabak on Unsplash
Photo by Hulki Okan Tabak on Unsplash
There was no judgement, just a clean, clear and deep soul-to-soul connection, rarely felt within the physical world.
This being the second time I had experienced such unrestrained love, led me to believe that beyond this three-dimensional and dualistic world, lies something way more precious and sacred.
She did not die.
Experience # 3
A year later, my mum left her body at the age of 94.
She had a good innings.
She passed away peacefully in her sleep, just the way she wanted it.
We were very close, and I inherited through her and dad, a love of gardening, dogs, adventure, and the value of integrity.
On the day of her passing, by oldest brother had called me in Singapore where I was consulting, to advise me of her departure and I took the rest of the day off work to arrange my flight to Perth to attend her funeral.
Photo by Simon Hurry on Unsplash
Photo by Simon Hurry on Unsplash
As part of my consulting package, we were staying in a lovely hotel and as my wife Lita was accompanying me, we decided to celebrate mum’s life at an expensive Italian restaurant on a lower floor.
It was early evening and as we waiting at the entrance to be seated, we saw that the restaurant was almost empty. That being the case, I suggested to the waiter that a table on the left-hand side by the window would suit us fine. His reply was, "I have another table for you" and promptly led us to another window overlooking the city.
Instead of pulling my wife’s chair out for her, he pulled mine out first and beckoned for me to sit, then he did the same for her.
I looked across to my wife with a somewhat bewildered shrug, wondering what was going on here.
First, he chooses the table and then insists I sit where he directed me.
We had learnt that day that Lita was pregnant with our twins, so we had a double cause to celebrate.
She declined the wine, opting for a fruit juice while I savoured a fruity Riesling, we clinked our glasses and after my first sip, I glanced over the skyscraper buildings and rising between two majestic structures was a huge, golden full moon.

As a little background, on occasions when staying at mum’s place, she would get me out of bed at some ungodly hour to witness a full moon rising, despite my protests, which dissipated as soon as I clapped my eyes on the orb.
Now seeing the moon rise between the building, I immediately knew it was a sign from her.
She was communicating to me through this familiar sight, that she was okay and in peace.
I was gobsmacked to say the least and without any explanation, I invited Lita to come around to my side of the table and look out the window.
Her immediate reaction on seeing the rising moon was - “That is your mum!” and she was right!
Think about what transpired, forego any claim of coincidences for a moment and piece this scenario together, bit-by-bit.
Photo by Alexander Andrews on Unsplash
Photo by Alexander Andrews on Unsplash
The waiter unknown to me on our first time visit to this restaurant, guided me to a seat where I could witness the moon rise. Had I been located in my first choice or anywhere else I would have missed it. By pulling my chair out first, he assured me the ringside seat where I needed to be.
My wife had heard me recount the story of mum getting me out of bed during the moon-filled night, but that was years earlier and yet she immediately cottoned on to who it was pulling the strings on this scenario.
Coincidence you may well ask?
The spirit of mum did not die!
Experience # 4
In 2014, my father-in-law, opa, passed away in Medan, Sumatra, after a lengthy debilitating illness and finality in ICU, surrounded by his family.
A couple of weeks later, I was counselling Lita in my office and without warning he came to and through me, to have a ‘conversation’ with his daughter.
Once again, we both received the experience of unparalleled and unconditional love, which each time leaves me breathless and in such a high state of mind.
He too did not die!
Photo by Caleb Gregory on Unsplash
Photo by Caleb Gregory on Unsplash
So there you have it, make what you will of it

One thing I do want to add.
I don’t consider myself a psychic, anyone special or particularly gifted.
I do believe we all have the capability to tap into our own multi-dimensionality and other realms, as long as we are open to the possibilities that lay within.

Final Words
The consciousness that you are and which animates your
physical body, never dies!