Oracle of Consciousness

#46 - Motivational Madness

man standing in front of group of men

Photo by Austin Distel on Unsplash

Photo by Austin Distel on Unsplash

Over the past few years, I have become increasingly aware through observation (as opposed to judgement) and interaction, of an emerging trend associated with so-called motivational or inspirational speakers and various courses being bandied around under this guise.

Straight off the bat, I honour Tony Robbins and consider him one of the finest coaches and an inspiring human being.

Jack Canfield, Barbara Marx Hubbard, Charles Eisenstein and Cheryl Richardson also fit this bill along with many others, so I am not averse to authentic motivational speakers at all.


It is apparent that we live in a society hell bent on achieving instant gratification, with text messages delivered in a nano second, fast foods, instant coffee and skills obtained overnight - the list is endless.

Wannabe expert?

smiling man reading book while holding mug

Photo by Austin Distel on Unsplash

Photo by Austin Distel on Unsplash

These days almost anyone can participate in a two-week yoga course, receive a certificate and call himself or herself a 'Yoga Teacher'.

Same with business coaching, training programmes, fashion design, massage therapy and a gamut of live or online courses, which promise to make you an “Expert” in a week or two.


An expert?

Those who have laboured for years perfecting their skills, knowledge and abilities would probably scoff at the idea of an instant expert or instant anything and rightly so.

The problem as I see it, is the participants in some of these pseudo courses and activities are left with an indelible impression that they can do absolutely anything they can imagine.

Pumped up beyond comprehension, the 'wizard' at the front of the class convinces them they are indestructible, infallible and capable of pulling off the most amazing feats without batting an eyelid.

Find a tree, sit under it, close your eyes, think about what you want and wait for it to magically appear out of thin air.



It is that easy?

Once the participant comes down to earth, literally, and secure with the promise of a lifetime of dollar-bound coaching sessions to bolster their confidence, they step out into the world, chest pumped up, mimicking the teacher and espousing their ability to be able to perform miracles.

Overnight, or even sooner!

The hollow promises soon are exposed for just that, hollow promises and the learned participants inevitably withdraw embarrassingly into their shell, with a dented ego, their confidence and self-esteem shredded.

 This is inevitably the end-result of the over-ambitious, rose-coloured glasses wearing, overnight successful trainee, who has fallen for the instant cure-all to their financial woes
and lowered status, by the pumped up egos of those who prey upon them.

I have seen many cases of this over the past few years.

I have had to deal with their veiled promises of

"Huge success coming my way",

that have failed to come into fruition, accompanied by plenty of seemingly plausible excuses.

Now don’t get me wrong, this is not a judgment, but more of an observation and I would rather people be out there improving their lives, rather than creating mayhem and harm.


Photo by Mathieu Stern on Unsplash

Photo by Mathieu Stern on Unsplash


Photo by Mathieu Stern on Unsplash

Photo by Mathieu Stern on Unsplash


Photo by Mathieu Stern on Unsplash

Photo by Mathieu Stern on Unsplash

In his ground-breaking 1989 book,“The True Believer”, Eric Hoffer spells out clearly, the attributes of a cult leader and they are worthy of knowing, for we have seen some most extraordinary, charismatic so-called 'gurus', lead people into great harm.

Their characteristics can be loosely defined as:


They speak very convincingly and have a
way with words.


They wear the mask of charisma rather
than authenticity.

Depicting the Present
as Being Untenable

Therefore painting a highly desirable future as the only solution.


Photo by Miriam G on Unsplash

Photo by Miriam G on Unsplash


Promising a way out or salvation, if
you follow them and them alone.

man in black leather jacket sitting on black and gray audio component

Photo by Harry Shelton on Unsplash

Photo by Harry Shelton on Unsplash


A somewhat cold-hearted, but well masked approach
that benefits themselves, at the expense of others.

If you are considering following a leader, group, movement or taking a course, workshop or similar, my advice would be:

two women sitting on leather chairs in front of table

Photo by Amy Hirschi on Unsplash

Photo by Amy Hirschi on Unsplash

Choose your mentor well

Do your homework and due diligence, verify their credibility and results (from others who have taken their courses
or workshops).

Be prepared

Be prepared to put in some serious work and commitment towards being able to deliver a quality product
or service.

grayscale photo of man using magnifying glass

Photo by mari lezhava on Unsplash

Photo by mari lezhava on Unsplash

Look, don’t listen

By that I mean if you are contemplating joining a group, workshop, webinar, etc., watch carefully what the person is
doing in their lives.

 Align yourself

Align yourself with high integrity people
who share your values.

Let go

Let go any urgency to get instant results.
Choose the long game of being of service


Photo by Waldemar Mad on Unsplash

Photo by Waldemar Mad on Unsplash

Differentiate yourself

Differentiate yourself from the herd, by resisting the temptation to do anything that would lessen your skills or credibility.

As a proviso, I would like to add that I believe that most of us are tapping into only a fraction of our potential and that we ARE capable of much more in our lives.

I believe that we are inextricably linked to a field of infinite potential and that we DO have access to this field through our multi-dimensionality.

I believe that we can tap into our innate wisdom and find solutions to our life’s challenges, that we can create 'miracles' and live the life of our dreams.

But my experience has been (and this may be different to others) that we have to prepare ourselves, mentally, physically and spiritually to be able to access these extraordinary qualities and this is rarely if ever, achieved through glib words, hyped up enthusiasm and basking in a couple of weeks of shared euphoria.

No, it takes practice, practice and more practice.

It takes delving deeply into what it is that prevents you reaching your highest potential.

It takes learning new skills; new ideas and tossing out limited beliefs.

It takes courage and determination, persistence and patience and most of all, fully understanding your capabilities in this moment and what you are able to achieve in a realist time frame, with the sources you have available now.

silhouette of person surrounded by plants

Photo by Taylor Wright on Unsplash

Photo by Taylor Wright on Unsplash

silhouette of person surrounded by plants

Photo by Taylor Wright on Unsplash

Photo by Taylor Wright on Unsplash

S.M.A.R.T. Goals are a good starting point

person holding black red yellow and green round analog clock

Photo by Vitolda Klein on Unsplash

Photo by Vitolda Klein on Unsplash


Well defined, clear,
and unambiguous.


With specific criteria that measures your progress.


Attainable and not impossible to achieve.


Within reach, realistic, and relevant to your life purpose.

clear hour glass with brown frame

Photo by Kenny Eliason on Unsplash

Photo by Kenny Eliason on Unsplash


With a clearly defined timeline, including a starting date and a target date, while allowing everything to unfold organically
and in Divine Timing!

This then sets the parameters of what we can realistically achieve in the here and now, with room for growth and expansion, as we garner more experience and wisdom.

Are you ready and willing to become the person you want
to become and live the life
of your dreams?

a person with their feet up on a bench

Photo by Kevin Luke on Unsplash

Photo by Kevin Luke on Unsplash

Was that a yes?

woman standing on the desert while her hands up

Photo by Brooke Cagle on Unsplash

Photo by Brooke Cagle on Unsplash

Go on!!


Photo by Alena Jarrett on Unsplash

Photo by Alena Jarrett on Unsplash

Bon voyage on your
inner and outer path.