Oracle of Consciousness
# 13 - Make the Able,
More Able

Unleashing your innate potential
It seems like an eternity ago, that I worked with a small drug rehabilitation group in an effort to restore those addicted to narcotics, to some form of normal life.
It was so painful to see young people trapped in a relentless cycle of a desperate need for another 'fix'.
Some gave up, some fought us at every step and a few broke the habit.
Generally, it would take about about 6 months to get a willing person off heavy drugs, to leading a very basic, normal, clean life.
It was a hard slog and fraught with disappointments, as some would drop out and return to their peers and own destructive, addictive behaviours.
But we did have some success with those who were determined and pushed through.

Our process primarily included restoring the person's self-esteem, changes in their diet, taking vitamin supplements, detoxing and one-on-one counselling, to uncover what it was they were running away from.
That is, uncovering the trauma from which the drug taking gave them a modicum of 'imagined' comfort and temporary relief.

Photo by Igor Shalyminov on Unsplash
Photo by Igor Shalyminov on Unsplash
Unless the root cause of the addiction is identified, acknowledged, released and replaced with something more life-enhancing, the person is quite likely to revert to drug taking again, in search of comfort from the physical, mental and emotional pain they are enduring.
It is a relentless cycle of self abuse and takes an enormous level of courage and commitment to break.
Often it is easier to be in denial, or delaying the inevitable that more of the drug is going to be needed, in pursuit of the elusive well-being they seek.
Going 'cold-turkey', the unpleasant sensations caused by a sudden cessation of taking the drug to which they are addicted, is often unconfrontable and excruciatingly distressful, adding to the existing trauma.
So with continuing to take the drug or weaning oneself of it, both have their challenges.
Only the latter works to leading a rewarding and healthy life.

And then,
a bright

In line with our vision to create a better world in the least amount of time (call it youthful naivety), we contemplated the idea:
"What if we get some fresh graduates who want to make a difference in the world and put in six months of personal development?"
"Then they will emerge change-makers!"
A change maker, is someone who could lead
and influence their peers and others.
Someone who would walk-their-talk.
Someone who would honour and
respect their body.
Someone who is well on the way to
mastering their emotions and
gaining Emotional Intelligence.
And this lead me down the life-long path of making the able, more able.

Don't get me wrong, I do care about the human condition and especially those who are struggling with pain, trauma and addiction.
OK confession time, while I never engaged in any heavy drugs in my 60s and 70s hippie days, I did smoke a few of those funny smelling cigarettes.
But having never been an addicted drug user, I know with all my heart, the best people to counsel and understand them, is a reformed, ex-user.
So I am happy to stand aside and let the more experienced take over.
Our human family is going through its own metamorphosis.
These are challenging times as we transit into more conscious, compassionate, authentic and Sovereign human beings.
Becoming more conscious will increase our abilities to behave more wisely and intelligently.
Make yourself more able and help others who have the same vision.

Photo by Takacs Alexandra on Unsplash
Photo by Takacs Alexandra on Unsplash
Consciousness is the key.

Photo by Suzanne D. Williams on Unsplash
Photo by Suzanne D. Williams on Unsplash
Seek those who are
ready and willing to change, and help to make them become more able.