Oracle of Consciousness
#35 - Trust

Trust is the firm belief about the reliability or truthfulness of someone or something

Trust is a BIG thing!

Probably we've all had an experience with someone, where we could no longer trust them.
They've broken that trust by not being reliable, honest or truthful.
We need to trust ourselves and our own path that we're on, but we also need to learn to trust others.
Now this is where we look at behaviours.
We can hear what is being said and it sounds like it's honest and truthful, but it may not be!

What will determine the truth, the real trust in a person, is how reliable is their information, the truth of what they are speaking and are they living that truth?
Are their behaviours matching their words?
We need to be very alert, awake and discerning.

Photo by Ludovic Migneault on Unsplash
Photo by Ludovic Migneault on Unsplash

Photo by Felix Koutchinski on Unsplash
Photo by Felix Koutchinski on Unsplash
Personally, I have used forgiveness as the primary tool to healing from broken trust.
There is no point in carrying around the pain of what someone did or not did to us, or the suspicion of :
"Can I really trust that person?"
It is not a sign of weakness or obedience to release ourselves from the past, it is a magnificient act of self-love, courage and compassion to do so.
We forgive those who have transgressed, without condoning their behaviour, knowing they, we; are all doing the best we can with whatever level of consciousness we have at our disposal.
Trust is multi-faceted obviously, but let's look at another aspect of it

You see, we don't really know with 100% certainty what's going to happen today, or even this afternoon, a few hours ahead, tomorrow, next week, next year, it's unknowable at this stage.
We can get glimpses of the future now and again, there's no doubt about that, but not with 100% certainty that it's going to unfold as our mind has defined and what we are sensing.
We have to let go of the idea that we have to know exactly and precisely what's going to happen in our world, on our path, and throughout our journey.
We have to surrender into the idea that some things are unknowable, some people unknowable and that the Source of all life is unfathomable at this time.
Where the main trust comes in, is we have to trust this process that is unfolding. Particularly in our world today, we need to trust that which is transpiring, is ultimately for the betterment of humankind.

Now, that could be heavily contested!
There are many aspects of life, where the shadow and the darkness is arising to be viewed, healed and released.
We see that internally and externally.
And in some ways it really doesn't look like a lot of things are for the good of humanity.
But just for a moment, imagine if what is in the process of unfolding, all the uncertainty, control and power being exerted, what if this was the catalyst for us to wake up, to become aware of what's really happening, to question everything, to see through any untruths, to see through the unreliability that is being projected as being real, reliable and truthful?

Photo by Hanny Naibaho on Unsplash
Photo by Hanny Naibaho on Unsplash
Wake up!

What if this process that we're on and in at the moment, for all of humanity, is designed to wake us up and bring us back to our sovereignty, to have us firmly embedded in our consciousness, the truth of who we are; sentient, infinite human beings, spiritual by nature, having a human experience?
Can we trust that?
Obviously, the ego-mind will throw up doubts. There will be doubt postulated from many, many segments of society that this is not true.
So it has to be your own uncovered truth that we are on the right path and trusting that this will all work out well in the end.
And that's not false optimism.
It's just trusting and knowing that we're on the right path.
We're all in this together and I'm honoured to be journeying with you.

The more you know, the more you realise
how much more there is to know!