Oracle of Consciousness
#54 - Change
Your Story

Want to change your Life?
Change your story!

Since time immemorial, stories have shaped our personal lives, our cultures, communities, nations and the entire human experience.
Stories lie at the heart of all religions, traditions, writings, movies and spoken words.
Each personal story is entirely different from another’s, even if identical twins experience a very similar upbringing and life, their perspective is never exactly the same, so their story, as does ours, differs.

Photo by Klim Sergeev on Unsplash
Photo by Klim Sergeev on Unsplash

Photo by Klim Sergeev on Unsplash
Photo by Klim Sergeev on Unsplash

Photo by Klim Sergeev on Unsplash
Photo by Klim Sergeev on Unsplash

Photo by Klim Sergeev on Unsplash
Photo by Klim Sergeev on Unsplash
Ponder this for a moment.
If we only had one story each, which we don’t, we have way more than that, then well-over eight billion stories exist at any one time on our Planet Earth.
That is a lot of stories and in fact, it would be nigh on impossible to estimate how many stories exist from our past, present and about the future.

So let us focus for a moment on our own personal story.

It has been established that from conception onwards, we are recording everything that is transpiring around us.
We may not recall much of what was going on in the womb or as a wee baby, but we were recording it just the same.
Some say that our recording goes well beyond our five senses and the sixth sense of intuition, but suffice to say, all that is experienced is stored in our biofield, at a cellular level, in the mind or emotions.
The human biofield is a measurable, energetic pattern that surrounds the human body.

Our personal stories are shaped by our experiences, the environment in which we were raised, our perceptions, perspectives, what we have been told and what we believe.
Allow me to give you an example.

Photo by Derek Owens on Unsplash
Photo by Derek Owens on Unsplash

Photo by Derek Owens on Unsplash
Photo by Derek Owens on Unsplash

Photo by Derek Owens on Unsplash
Photo by Derek Owens on Unsplash
Little Johnny’s Dad has worked hard all his life, still he struggles to make ends meet, pay bills and balance his work and family life.
While sitting with his Dad one day, his Dad tells him,
“If you want to make it in this life son, you have to work very hard”.
Johnny admires his Dad and they get on well, so whatever words come out of his Dad’s mouth resembles the truth for little Johnny, as he is not experienced enough in life to determine what is true for him.
Johnny grows up, enters the workforce and raises a family, but somehow he seems obsessive about becoming a success, wealthy and accepted by society as having “Made it”.

Now a father of two kids, he dedicates an inordinate amount of time at work, foregoing his family needs and before long, starts to suffer ill health and marital problems.
His addiction to work and the belief that he 'must work very hard to make it in life' has caught up with him and out of desperation, he seeks some rest, peace, quiet and personal counselling.
In the counselling session, he uncovers the idea and belief imposed by his Dad that - “If you want to make it in this life son, you have to work very hard” as the driving influence in his life.
This belief was not his, but his father’s.
It did not take into account that we can work SMARTER, not necessarily harder, to achieve the things we need to bring about a fulfilling and richly rewarding life.

Photo by Rūta Celma on Unsplash
Photo by Rūta Celma on Unsplash

Photo by Rūta Celma on Unsplash
Photo by Rūta Celma on Unsplash

Photo by Rūta Celma on Unsplash
Photo by Rūta Celma on Unsplash

The moment he saw that this was not his personal belief but that of someone else (in this case, his father) and that there was a different story or belief that he could adopt, like 'work smarter, not harder', all his stress and inner conflict dropped away and he nursed himself back to good health.
His old belief was replaced with a new one;
One can achieve much more by working smarter, more intelligently and from a more heart-centred place.
His relationships improved, he adopted a balanced attitude to work, family and play and had more time on his hands to create smarter ways of conducting his business and life.
By his own measure, not society’s, he became a success in his own right, impassioned by what he was doing, being of service to others and dwelling in the heart-felt happiness that resides within us all.
What we are alluding to here is for each of us to determine what beliefs we are carrying around from the past that:
1) Serve us?
2) Does not serve us?
It should come as no surprise that once we replace the beliefs that no longer serve us with other more viable stories, our lives will become magically transformed.
Change your story,
change your life!

It is never too late to change!