Oracle of Consciousness
#22 - Let's Get Cracking!

Let's Get Cracking!
"If an egg is broken by an outside force, life ends.
If an egg is broken by an inside force, then life begins.
Great things happen from the inside."
Author Unknown

Photo by blackieshoot on Unsplash
Photo by blackieshoot on Unsplash
Life begins beyond your comfort zone

“Let’s get cracking!” an English expression my dad would say, whenever we needed to get a move on to go somewhere.
These days it probably has a different connotation, involving partaking in some mind-bending drugs!!
There is no doubt that we as the human family are undergoing a huge transformation, a somewhat painful metamorphosis of epic proportions.

It seems like the innate goodness
within us is being systematically
drained out and replaced with fear
and the idea that we are separate
from each other and Nature.
Nothing is further from the truth!

What if, by Intelligent Design, we are being encouraged or guided to garner more and more inner strength and power, to be able to withstand and transcend the opposing forces?
Using the egg example, a weak or wafer thin shell would be too easy to break through and the inner life would be spilled out, before it had matured enough to withstand the external forces or environment.

This metaphor could be used for our current human condition, whereby breaking out of the ever-present programming, conditioning and Matrix-like circumstances, where dominating influences are unsurping our power, over-regulating, over-taxing and generally suppressing the imagination out of us, seems a totally insurmountable obstacle.
Once again, nothing could be further from the truth, we are powerful beyond our comprehension.

Rising to the occasion, growing our innate light and authentic power from the inside, we have the capacity to override any obstacles that stand in the way of us emerging as kind, caring, compassionate and loving human beings – if only we would do that.
We can remember and regain our Sovereignty that we think we have disconnected from, out of ignorance, oppression and fear.
This Sovereignty lies at the heart of every human being on the planet, despite ideas or beliefs that it doesn’t.
We are all connected by this life force, this consciousness, which animates these bodies and like WiFi or radio signals, is unseen, but there nonetheless!

What a different world we would inhabit when we collectively realise and align to this principle.
Our behaviours would be very different, replacing destructive ones with life-enhancing, intelligent and wiser actions.
Wars, poverty, inequality, starvation and the myriad of life-debilitating circumstances would be a thing of the past, as we move into a place of compassion, equality, cooperation, unity, transparency and Oneness.
This has been alluded to, prophesied and spoken about throughout the ages and I believe is being birthed now, albeit slowly and painfully as with many births.

Photo by Slav Romanov on Unsplash
Photo by Slav Romanov on Unsplash
We are remembering and regaining the power of our hearts, from the inside!
When we break through the shell, the hardened crust, we will emerge as a new human family, steeped in love, caring, unity and full transparency in all that we say and do.
This day is near!