Oracle of Consciousness
# 24 - Something
Out of Nothing

Just like professional illusionists who create illusions or something out of nothing, we too are expert illusionists, the only difference is; most of us don't realise it!

Preceding all action
comes the thought
Ponder that for a moment.
So you want to eat a healthy, nutritious and satisfying breakfast, where do you look first?
The fridge?
The panty?
Or maybe the top shelf of the kitchen cupboard?
Getting close, but where do you look before searching those places?
In your mind of course!
You may consider (think) what is healthy versus unhealthy, by scanning the imagery
or impressions in your mind.
You may recall what tasted delicious during a previous breakfast, which may span back
many years ago.

Next time you sit down to eat a meal, perhaps at a restaurant, consider this, the meal that you are eating was first conceived in your mind from the menu and birthed into reality by the waiter taking your order.
The chef prepared it by remembering the recipe, selecting the ingredients, physically cooking them and arranging them artistically on your plate.
To be delivered with a smile and devoured
with pleasurable relish.
It makes my mouth water thinking about it!

All of this originating from thoughts in yours and the participants minds.
Still think you cannot create something out of nothing?

Now here’s an interesting twist to this idea, what if all you see, hear, touch, taste and smell is a collective illusion, created in the Collective Mind of humanity?
Quantum Physics is now proving that beyond atoms, sub-atomic particles and deeper, beyond any physical structure are waves originating from a field, a field so pure, without time or space, a field that is both mysterious and incomprehensible, at least through the mind.
A 'Nothingness' perhaps?

Photo by Severin Demchuk on Unsplash
Photo by Severin Demchuk on Unsplash
They, the physicists, mystics, et al, have also implied that every atom contains more empty space than matter, 99.9999999999999% in fact!
So everything we experience in physicality, is originating from this 'Nothingness', from this no-thingness and we collectively put labels and conditions onto this 'Nothingness' and viola, it manifests as real.
A shiny new Volvo Electric car, a renewable energy powered Earth-ship dwelling, or a community of conscious, caring people, living in peace and harmony.
Wow! That’s the penultimate Illusionist’s dream - to create something out of nothing and here we are doing it all the time.
The real trick of course, is to wake up to this illusion and see it for what it is.
To break the collective agreements about life formed over eons , which keeps us imprisoned and shackled to false beliefs, which ultimately
create our self-destructive behaviours.
Our primary false belief, illusion if you may, is that we are separate from our true nature,
from each other, all things, other species,
Mother Earth, the Multiverse and beyond, separate from First Source.

Through direct self-enquiry, we can determine our personal truth of what is real or not, what is it we believe or beliefs inherited, what we have been conditioned to understand about our life and gradually (for most of at least) we can see through the illusions and uncover our true place in the larger game of life and shed the false stories in our minds.
Just imagine this for a moment, every one of us can contribute to changing the content of the Collective Mind of humanity, by creating a different story from what we have been told is “true”.
There is a possibility that beyond our personal truth, lies a Universal Truth, but that is for us individually to discover and validate.
This can only start with us, with deep, inner reflection and contemplation of what is real
and what is an illusion.
Have we had enough of the illusions yet?
Are you ready to make a quantum leap forward
for you and the rest of humanity?
Tendered with compassion and understanding.

Photo by Alessio Lin on Unsplash
Photo by Alessio Lin on Unsplash
Remain curious and keep asking questions of yourself, of others and the meaning of life.
For there lies within, the answers, patiently awaiting
to be cracked open, emerging like a fluffy chick from its shell.