Oracle of Consciousness

Avoidance is the action of keeping away from, not doing something, or preventing something from happening.

It can be a necessary activity in life, for preventing accidents or situations that are not

If you have ever swerved to miss another car, an animal or a gigantic pothole in the road, then avoidance has served you well.
We avoid getting burnt.

....or putting ourselves in life-threatening, dangerous circumstances.
This emanates from Biological Fear, that inbuilt system that warns of imminent threat to
the organism’s survival.

Photo by David Clode on Unsplash
Photo by David Clode on Unsplash

Photo by Oleg Didenko on Unsplash
Photo by Oleg Didenko on Unsplash
We do not want to lose Biological Fear

The other side of Biological Fear is
learnt, conditioned, Ego-based fear!
Using avoidance to sidestep
discomfort, pain or trauma

Common Avoidance Strategies
Hint - none of them work!
Everything in moderation.
However, if we find comfort and distraction from our pain and trauma in alcohol, then at some time in the future, we are going to need more than
one glass to feel better.
As our go-to, readily-accessible comforter, it is easy to justify drinking in excess.
Drugs in small quantities have a tendency to temporarily numb our mental and emotional pain.
However, we cannot selectively numb one part, without numbing another part.
More will be require to create the same 'relief' and hence if not resolved, more and higher doses will be sought

Photo by Ayo Ogunseinde on Unsplash
Photo by Ayo Ogunseinde on Unsplash
Closed Emotions
Shutting down how we feel when stressed by emotional challenges, may appear a good solution, but there is always a price to pay.
Ultimately we become numb to all feelings, whether they
be uplifting or not.
This can leave us isolated, disconnected, and prone to causing harm.

Photo by Chris Liverani on Unsplash
Photo by Chris Liverani on Unsplash
Addiction is the result of using some form of comfort to resolve the discomfort of pain and trauma.
We find comfort in alcohol or drugs and eventually we become so hooked that the alcohol or drugs become the major problem.
The so-called 'solution' becomes the problem!

Photo by Asa Rodger on Unsplash
Photo by Asa Rodger on Unsplash
Becoming Reclusive
We all know the feeling of want to run away and hide.
There is a big difference between hiding away somewhere, and taking a quiet break away from the pressure of everyday life.
Disconnecting from life will resolve nothing

Photo by Tusik Only on Unsplash
Photo by Tusik Only on Unsplash
There is a popular misconception that if I am hurting and I hurt another, it will make me feel better.
It wont
So projecting our mental and/or emotional 'stuff' on others is not the answer, after all, whose 'stuff' is it?

Photo by ROBIN WORRALL on Unsplash
Photo by ROBIN WORRALL on Unsplash
Social Media
Social media has become a heavily dependent go-to escape mechanism, where the number 'likes' and 'views' on a post provide a dopamine hit, which in turn, can become highly addictive.
Use it wisely and sparingly for constructive purposes.

Photo by on Unsplash
Photo by on Unsplash
Denial is not a river in Egypt!
Denial is a failure to address or take responsibility for
ones actions or life.
It is the mark of victimhood and disempowerment.
It is dishonest and inauthentic and resolves nothing.

This is a common strategy to avoid pain and trauma.
We can use any one or more of the above strategies to seek comfort, and in doing so, the REAL challenge is not faced.
If the ball on the left represents the unresolved situation and the chain is affixed to our ankle, what is going to happen when we try to run away to escape the discomfort?
That's right, it is going to follow us no matter how far or fast we travel.
And what a burden and inhibitor to our freedom and peace of mind that is.
So, any form of escapism is doomed to fail.

There is only one lasting
solution and that is:
Courageously turn and face
the 'demons,' your shadow side,
your pain and discomfort.
Face to Face

The way out is the way through, one step at a time!

Freedom is your birthright