Oracle of Consciousness
# 21 - Integrity

What is Integrity and why is it so important?

The multi-facetted word integrity, can be distilled down to this simple explanation:
Being completely honest, telling the truth with facts and reality, being faithful, reliable, and fulfilling what you have stated or promised you will do.

Photo by Prince Akachi on Unsplash
Photo by Prince Akachi on Unsplash
Our world and human family is undergoing an unprecedented transformation.
Some call it a paradigm shift, that is, making fundamental changes in how we live, interact with each other and the Earth, along with opening ourselves up to access more of the consciousness that lies dormant inside every one of us.
The magnitude of this change is unparalleled in the history of humanity.
Sure we have had exceptional transitions from being Hunter Gatherers, to the Agricultural Age followed by the Industrial Revolution, into the Information Age and now we are birthing the Age of Transparency, Unity and Oneness.
This is no fanciful chimera, but an observable phenomena occurring beyond the commonly held narrative.

It should come as no surprise to any of us that
our world is in crisis and the good news?
Crisis is the driver of change!
There are multiple reasons why we find ourselves in this global predicament, but let's focus on integrity, or the lack of it, just for a moment.
We are being bombarded with dishonesty, untruths, misinformation, unethical behaviours, unreliability and unfulfilled promises.
The 'Divide and Conquer' strategy is being played out with the intent to keep us separated, or at loggerheads with each other.

How do we counter that?

We step fully into
our integrity!

We lead by example

Follow your heart, it will show you the way

Always be honest and open, speak your truth, remain faithful, be 100% reliable and when you say you are going to do something, do it!

In order to birth the new humanity, our integrity must be at the forefront.

Living a life steeped in integrity is a behaviour.
Our behaviours are dictated by the level of consciousness we have access to at any given moment.
Becoming more conscious is the solution, personally and collectively.

Bond with intelligent and
wise behaviours.