Oracle of Consciousness
#110 - Survival

It's an observable fact that all living organisms are driven by a programme of survival.

The growth and reproduction of a tomato plant

Seeds germinate and sprout

The plant flowers and bears fruit

The tomatoes ripen and drop seeds

The survival cycle repeats itself endlessly
Another example is annually pruning and cutting back fruit trees.
Let’s say each year our orange or apple trees once fruited, are cut back.
The very action of cutting off some of these branches, its 'limbs', is a threat to the plant, and so its survival instinct kicks in fully.
To combat the threat to its existence, the next year's flowers are more vibrant, the tree is stronger and its fruit more plentiful and better formed.
Tastier too!!
So the will to survive for these plants is a very strong factor.

It's the same for us human beings.
If you look at the most heavily populated areas in the world, let's say China, Africa, India, or Bangladesh, the greatest, denser populations are where their survival is threatened the most.
The severe difficulties and challenges with resources, finances and raw survival that people endure, mostly occur in these places.
In Africa where we lived for almost two years, families of eight, may lose two children due to poverty, malnutrition or ill health.
It's a programmed exercise that we, while we are inhabiting these human bodies, will do everything we can to survive and there's nothing wrong with that.
It is a biological programming that kicks in when our perceived or real survival is threatened
Nobody wants to willingly, (well maybe some see suicide as a final option, not recommended having been there), but most people don't go about their lives wishing and trying to get themselves killed.

What we're alluding to here is that the strong programming to survive in the human form, can be a detraction from us living our lives in a richly and fulfilling manner.
The fear of death can be so strong in many people, that it prevents them from really engaging in, and embracing life to the fullest.
In many locations, what is being experienced now is the fear of death being promulgated through violence, drug usage, wars and other life-threatening events that 'seem' to have a grip on this planet.
Thankfully, on the other side of this coin, there is an unprecedented awakening happening within the human family, which counters the death threat.

Photo by Simon Berger on Unsplash
Photo by Simon Berger on Unsplash

Photo by Simon Berger on Unsplash
Photo by Simon Berger on Unsplash
One solution would be to let go our attachment to our body!
We still honour, deeply respect, love it, and utilise it for the experiences we want to engage in, but we sever the compulsive attachment to it.
We are all going to go through this cycle, we are born, we will change, we will age, we will perhaps experience both good and ill health and then eventually, these bodies will stop breathing.
It's life cycle will be complete and is totally inevitable!

We, the infinite consciousness, the spirit, whatever label we want to call it, does not die!

When we fully realise and embrace the idea that we are infinite and that we cannot die, that the infiniteness that we are carries on in the continuum of life, then we can take away all the fear of death, really roll up our sleeves and enjoy every moment of life, whether it's judged ‘good’ or ‘bad’.
This is really living a richly fulfilling life and you deserve this.

“The term “real” is a misnomer.
You could say that the life forms that occupy earth are real.
They appear as physical structures and they are based on mathematical formula and geometry.
We are, in a sense, code.
This code interacts with the physical senses, which decodes the formula and we are transformed to flesh and blood “life forms.”
But at a quantum level we are, as I said, code."