Oracle of Consciousness
# 2 - If Love is the Answer,
What is the Question?

If, as I have stated in a past post, ‘Love Wins’, then it implies that love may be the answer to many of our woes we are currently experiencing, within the human family.
And how convenient and over-simplified this retort would be
* Deforestation – ‘Needs more love.’
* Inequalities – ‘Just apply more love.’
* Poverty – ‘Okay, spread more love around.’
* Fractured families, communities, and nations – ‘Obviously, they need more love.’
If only it was that easy!

Well, it worked to some degree in the 1960’s (upon which I reminisce fondly from time to time), but let’s face it, the elusive love most of us yearn for, seems to have dried up somewhat.
Dried up, or been buried under a barrage of mental clutter?
I think the latter.
If love and consciousness are synonyms, then that should give us a clue as to the question posed in the title:
‘If love is the answer, what is the question?’
Permit me to digress a moment.
In the past, I have done some pretty foolish, risky, and downright dangerous activities, as I waded through my youthful experimentation with life, all of which I would certainly not entertain again.
So, what changed?
Unintelligent and unwise behaviours, adversarial actions, and inappropriate fear-based reactions, stem from a lack of conscious awareness, driven mainly by the human ego.
Thus, fear will cloud our capacity to enact rational, sensible, life enhancing, heartfelt and conscious behaviours.
Our ability to conduct more intelligent and wiser ways of behaving, appropriate responses, and more heart-centred courses of action, are directly proportionate to the level of consciousness we have access to, and at our disposal.
So, the answer is for us individually and collectively, to become more conscious.
And put it another way, if we have more love in our hearts and display that through our thoughts, words, and actions, then love is the answer too.
Shining the light of consciousness upon ourselves and opening our hearts to the possibility of living in peace and harmony, is right at our fingertips, or should I say, within our remarkable blood-pumping heart, in combination with the energetic centre (Heart Chakra) in the middle of our chests.
We all come equipped with the capacity to transcend our fears and replace them with love, through becoming more loving and conscious.
"What will it take", you may well ask?
Nothing happens without commitment, so clearly this is the starting point
“I commit to diligently treading the path of consciousness”
Become informed, through a plethora of ‘how to’s’ that abound in books, videos, online courses, and websites. Find an avenue that resonates with you the most and start a practice, it may be:
* Yoga *
* Tai Chi *
* Journaling *
* Breathwork *
* Meditation *
* Mindfulness *
* Direct self-enquiry *
* Spending time in Nature *
to name a few.
Practice, practice, and practice some more, while divesting yourself of any expectation of instant gratification or results, but rest assured, your efforts will produce remarkable and long-term, wonderful outcomes.
Consciousness and love are both the question and answer.
Using the universal law of a Cycle of Action – Start, Change and Stop and replacing them with Be, Do and Have, we can deduce that in order to Do or Have something, the starting point is to Be.

When we are Being Love, that is, adopting the beingness of how love would respond in any given situation, then our behaviours will align with us Being Love.
This is precisely what Mahatma Gandhi meant by:
“Be the change you wish to see in the world.”
He didn’t say ‘Do the change..’ or ‘Have the change..’, he said “Be the change..,” after all, we are Human Beings, not Human Havings, or Human Doings!
Start with deciding what you want to HAVE in your life, then determine what would you need in any given time to BE, move into action by DOING whatever needs to be done.
Make and take the opportunity to Be Consciousness.
Be Love.
Then watch your life and the lives of others transform.
And remember who you (We) are:
We are infinite consciousness,

Having a Human experience

Past article here: Finding Wisdom