Oracle of Consciousness
#6 - Living From
Your Heart

According to the Heartmath Institute, the heart is the first organ in the body to be developed, even before the brain.
So here we have been thinking all along that the brain is the central computer for the whole body, and yet the heart starts beating and doing what hearts do, before the ‘computer’ is even switched on!
How is that?
How does it know what to do and when to beat?
What sort of extraordinary intelligence is behind this?
Our hearts have an
intelligence of their own.
Let us explore the possibility of living a heart-centred life, on a day to day basis.
It is through our hearts and the feelings expressed within, that we can experience a deep sense of connection, unity, and love.
As Joseph Campbell succinctly describes it - "The Hero's Journey" - from the head to the heart.
Our heart was the first organ in the body to be developed.

Photo by Robina Weermeijer on Unsplash
Photo by Robina Weermeijer on Unsplash
From the first to the last beat of an average lifetime, our heart beats around 2.5 billion times
But it is not just an extraordinary pumping device, it is considered the 'seat of the soul' and through the feelings we experience in our hearts, we can tap into our innate power, wisdom, and love!!
Our heart has two components:
a physical pump and an energetic centre.

For over 4000 years now, Indian sages have acknowledged the existence of seven energy centres in our bodies, known as the Chakras.
Our heart comprises of a magnificient pump and an energy centre known as the Heart Chakra, through which we can feel and experience love.
Science is now supporting this fact.
Our heart sends more messages to our brain, than the brain sends to our hearts.

Let your heart become the master, not your mind.
Our hearts know and will guide us, if only we would listen and feel.
Our mind should become the servant to the heart, not the other way around.
Just as we may go to the gym to exercise our muscles, our heart needs to be exercised too!
When our heart is in alignment with our head, magic happens!!

When our heart and head are in alignment and coherence, there is no conflict or disharmony.
The hearts intelligence leads the way and the head provides all the "Hows!"
Ease and flow prevail, as these two elements, heart and head are in perfect synch.
Your heart has short and long-term memory – think about that!

Just think about that for a moment.
We have always associated memories with our minds, but here we find our hearts also contain and retains experiences.
No longer regarded as a mere organ (a remarkable one at that), but a receptacle for past experiences
And I suspect, a willing collaborator on fresh, new, heart-centred experiences too!
Compassion when directed at yourself or towards others, is an act of love.

Having compassion for all species and our precious Mother Earth, is essential for our survival.
It all starts with the act of love called compassion, towards ourselves.
Fill up your cup of love, so it is overbrimming, enough to share liberally around.
So let's not hold back!!
If you are not sure what to do, ask your heart, it has the answers.

Our hearts have the answers and what's more, they are intelligent, constructive, and life-enhancing answers!
This what we need, to be guided in our lives and to live a meaningful and richly rewarding life.
If there is any uncertainty as to the direction to take, ask the question -
"What would love do now?"
Neale Donald Walsch
The only place the answer to this question can come from, is your heart.
Any act of gratitude or appreciation towards yourself or others, is an act of love.

Appreciation and gratitude are both acts of love.
The impetus, intention, and action to be appreciative and grateful, comes from your heart.
Starting with ourselves and radiating outward, we should consciously find things about our life, that we can be very grateful and appreciative about - then watch how your life changes for the better.
It is an act of love when you
forgive yourself and others.

Photo by Gus Moretta on Unsplash
Photo by Gus Moretta on Unsplash
Forgiveness towards ourselves and others, frees us from the prison of our minds and permits us to move into present time.
We let go the tormenting past and immediately feel a sense of relief, calm and freedom.
There is no greater gift you can give yourself, than forgiving your past destructive actions that have brought shame, blame and regret upon yourself or others.
Determine what you have gained from the experience, let it go, then forgive yourself and others.
Be free!!
Striving to understand yourself and others, is an act of love.

Let's face it, we could all use a little more understanding about who we are, what is our purpose and the meaning of life.
Understanding can be expanded as we dive into the subject matter, be it people, technology, or life.
When we understand why we behave in a certain way, we can add or subtract those behaviours, which can lead us to a richly rewarding life.
Courage and bravery are profound acts of self-love and love towards others.

It takes courage and bravery (sometimes termed Valour) to take the journey, from the head to the heart.
Every act of bravery is an act of love directed at either yourself or towards others.
Be brave and fearlessly step out of your comfort zone, experience life from that place and notice the difference.
And yes, it will be scary and yes, you may feel vulnerable, and yes, you will feel something stirring you in your heart, urging you on to just do it!
Humility is an act of love.
Be humble.

Photo by Simone Imurah on Unsplash
Photo by Simone Imurah on Unsplash
Consider the 8 billion inhabitants of earth and then lie on your back looking up at a clear, starry sky, it is easy to feel humility against this backdrop of vastness.
All those little pinpricks of light, many long extinguished at their source, but some still making their way here.
And when considering the expansiveness of the Multiverse (yes, there is more than one), one cannot help but to feel humble.
Humility is being without EGO!!
Unconditional love is the highest intelligence in the Multiverse!

Photo by Lauren Rader on Unsplash
Photo by Lauren Rader on Unsplash
We usually consider love to be a strong feeling of affection, but what if it was something far greater than that?
We are not talking here about a love with conditions attached, "I will love you if.....", which is pretty much the norm in most relationships,
But asking the question: "What if unconditional love is a form of incredibly higher intelligence?"
Food for thought and pondering!
Our highest purpose is to give and receive love.
Are you following your purpose?

Photo by Ian Schneider on Unsplash
Photo by Ian Schneider on Unsplash
At the deepest level, we seek the willingness and ability to give and receive love.
Do you see the folly of building a wall around your heart to prevent you from being hurt again?
We built it, so we are the best equipped to dismantle it, brick by brick if necessary.
But dismantle it we must if we are to find true, lasting happiness.
The breaking down of the Berlin Wall, was a metaphor for humanity, that walls just separate us from life and love.
Whatever the problem or challenge, love is always the answer.

While our minds are busy trying to find the solution to our challenges and problems, the heart has the answers every time!
The best answers can come from one place only - your heart.
The answer of course, is Love!
‘Broken hearted?’
That is your heart calling out
for more love!

At some time, it is almost inevitable that we are going to experience some ‘heart ache’ or ‘heart break’. This will pass.
Just like our muscles need to break down in order to grow bigger, the heart thrives on breaking and aching and is just calling out - give me more love!
This is how we develop a resilient heart, by opening ourselves to love time and time again.
Go for it Braveheart!
Be the love you wish to see in the world.
(With apologies to Mahatma Gandhi).
We are Human beings, not Human Doings!

Gandhi spoke about being the change you wish to see in the world, so if you want more love in your world, you have to BE it.
When you are being love, your thoughts, words and actions will reflect the love you are Being.
It's that simple!
If you don't believe me, try being grumpy for a while and see what happens!
Some people love the idea of love.
Others live it!

Did you know that some people love the idea of love, more than love itself?
An unbridled, unfettered heart is brimming over with love, just busting to be expressed and experienced.
If this is what you want, it's time to stop thinking about it and dive headlong into love.
Go on, I dare you!
You won't know until you try.
Building a wall around your heart, stops you giving and receiving love!

If you haven't done it already, maybe it's time to dismantle the psychological 'wall', large or small, that you may have built around your heart?
One brick at a time!
It is going to take courage to do this, but mark my words, you will never regret it.
The benefits of opening your heart to give and receive love are priceless.
Do it for you.
Do it for others.
Do it for our world.
Our world needs you and more love NOW!
We don’t FALL in love,
we ARE love!

We are energy beings, connected to each other and all things.
The essence of this energy is love, in fact, Unconditional Love.
Live from that place of love in every minute, every hour, and day.
Your heart is just waiting to be liberated, to receive and share love with others.
Step into that.
Dwell in that!