Oracle of Consciousness
#31 - Our One BIG Ruin

Just for a moment imagine if you will, a majestic castle in a breathtaking Scottish landscape overlooking a tranquil loch (Fortunately no Ness-type monsters in this one!).
On this glorious day, it is bustling with activity, farmlands are filled with edible produce, barns echo with the sounds of horses neighing, cows mooing and dogs enthusiastically barking .
Inside a wedding celebration is taking place.
A roaring fire and the ambience warms the cockles of everyone's hearts.
Merriment, as does sumptuous food, abounds.
Music and laughter fills the air.
It is a joyous occasion in a fitting venue.
But alas.......

This is what it
looks like now!

As with everything in our physical universe, this castle underwent its newly built creation (Start), habitation and life (Change) and eventually, succumbed to decay and its inevitable demise (Stop).
Ultimately, as energy cannot be created or destroyed, it will transform into another form of energy as it returns to Nature, from whence it came.

What if we came into this incarnation with One BIG Ruin or expressed another way, One BIG challenge to overcome as our primary Life Lesson?

Photo by Samrat Khadka on Unsplash
Photo by Samrat Khadka on Unsplash

Photo by Samrat Khadka on Unsplash
Photo by Samrat Khadka on Unsplash

Photo by Samrat Khadka on Unsplash
Photo by Samrat Khadka on Unsplash

Photo by Fateme Alaie on Unsplash
Photo by Fateme Alaie on Unsplash

Photo by Fateme Alaie on Unsplash
Photo by Fateme Alaie on Unsplash

Photo by Fateme Alaie on Unsplash
Photo by Fateme Alaie on Unsplash
A ruin is something that's no longer workable. It could be a building, it could be a process of making something and it gets damaged, so it can't be pushed forward.
Our planet has lots of ruins, the Acropolis in Athens, the old Sphinx and the pyramids that are no longer serviceable.
But the ruin being referred to here is something different.
You see, I am suggesting we come into this incarnation, as infinite beings, with the purpose of becoming more conscious and in order to do that, in this three-dimensional, solid background called Earth, we set out with one specific challenge.
One major lesson, and this could be termed our major ‘ruin’.
There are of course minor challenges or 'ruins', but one biggie!
What is your Major
'Ruin' in life?

The perfection, the beauty, the completeness, and wholeness of our true self, is so-called ‘ruined’ by what we have to overcome and learn in this lifetime.
It's not really a ruin, because as you'll see, it is actually a beautiful, beautiful gift.
"How do I find this ruin of mine?"
"Well, what is it that keeps tripping me up?"
"What are my repetitive harmful behaviours?"
"What are my repetitive negative thoughts?"
"What are my repetitive negative emotions that keep dragging me down?"
And to find those answers, we have to ask the question why?

"Why is this going on"?
"Why do I react in that way"?
"Why do I behave this way"?
"What am I supposed to learn here"?
"Why do I attract these ‘toxic’ people"
"Why do I seem to have the same problem
time and time again"?


As we take more and more responsibility for our journey, we will start to get some answers.
“Ah, I see it now. I attract partners and people that will give me the lessons that I need to learn this lifetime”.
And when we get to that point, we’re at a breakthrough, rather than blaming somebody else, or making somebody else responsible for the condition we are in, we can actually do something about it.
This is the beauty of our journey.
It starts by asking many questions.
Look for patterns of behaviour in your life that are not serving you to the fullest extent.
Look for 'toxicity' in your life. Those ‘toxic’ people and circumstances that seem to be repeating themselves, these will show up.
And when you do something about them, you can learn from the magnificent lessons offered.

We are all in this process of the deep dive within, and taking full responsibility.
You realise that this is my ‘ruin’ and I can and must take responsibility for it.
"This is what I've come to learn.
This is my big lesson".
This is the ah-ha moment when you realise that this which I am enduring and attracting to myself in order to learn to become more conscious, is actually a precious gift.
Then we can start transforming those behaviours by going deeper and deeper into them.
We can reshape them through applying the six heart values.
We can be grateful and appreciative that we have this lesson to learn and this challenge to overcome.
We can be compassionate with ourselves, no longer beating ourselves up with:
"Why do I keep doing this?
"What's wrong with me?
I must be unlovable".
Blah blah blah.
We can be understanding that we and every one of us comes into this life with one major ‘ruin’, one major lesson.
And we can bravely and humbly step into a new and better way of behaving.
We have within us the capacity to create a better life for ourselves and a better world for all.

Without a doubt, we will encounter many minor challenges along our journey, but dealing with and resolving the one 'Biggie' will set us free and really put us on the path to understanding that we as infinite beings, are having a human experience.
In order to play the Game of Life, we have deliberately forgotten what is our purpose, and what it is we came here to overcome and go beyond.
We can be forgiving towards ourselves, for the behaviours that we have created, the harm that we may have caused towards other people.
We can be humble in this Game of Life, knowing that we are just one tiny piece, but an important speck non-the-less, that is contributing to the betterment of humankind.
It takes bravery and courage to dive within, to go within the depths of the morass, to face this challenge head-on, bravely accepting this ‘ruin’, which may appear to be a huge obstacle, but is surmountable.

On the other side is freedom

On the other side
is consciousness

Once you break through, then you become freer, liberated, heart-centred and more loving.

Isn't that what
you want?

Breakthrough just ahead!