Let's open this dialogue with Black Holes, a lively and debatable topic, which should be of interest to us all.
Everything in Nature strives to be in balance, coherence and harmony.
Black Holes are not, in my opinion, some hellish-like contrivance, sucking in anything and everything that comes into its proximity, never to be seen again, but an energy vortex, commonly known as a torus.
The toroidal nature of these energy systems are both creative and destructive, matter and anti-matter.
Examples of toroidal systems are rampant, observable and felt, at both a macro and micro levels.
We as humans, forgetting our original Sovereignty out of our ignorance and resistance, have interrupted this natural flow of energy, thus creating an imbalance and dis-ease, which ultimately may result in disease, mentally, emotionally or physically.
We habitually resist the destructive or anti-matter elements, in favour of the 'good" stuff in our lives and thus become slaves to distractions, addictions, and comfort, etc.
My personal concept and ongoing practice of '"Radical Surrender" and "Radical Acceptance", a never-ending and challenging process I might add, allows the natural flow of energy, carrying the equally inherent state of creation / destruction, birth / death, matter / anti-matter, to flow in the waxing and waning of life.
For all things are connected, as expressed by the wise sages of old and Quantum Physics experts of today.
The ocean waves gently arrive and recede from the shore, rinse and repeat, ad infinitum
This occurs in a dualistic universe, as is the nature of this 3rd dimension we inhabit.
But we are multidimensional beings and thus moving, albeit mostly unconsciously, in and out of the states of duality and non-duality;
Twoness into Oneness, Oneness into Twoness.
Toroidal energy systems, lead us towards and back to the Infinite.
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A postulated solution.
Perhaps with the mantra and continuous practice of "Resist Nothing, Accept Everything", we can become more in synch with the natural heartbeat of our bodies, the Earth, the Multiverse and beyond?
Methinks it's time to become more radical and
"Go with the flow!"
Towards a more coherent, aligned, unified, whole and conscious human family.