Oracle of Consciousness
# 27 - Storytelling

A little storytelling today.
Are you sitting comfortably?

Once upon a time, of course every good story has to start with that; there was a rather mundane couple, living an uninspiring life, in a somewhat uninteresting village, occupied by, to be precise, mediocre people.
It was pretty dull and there is nothing pretty about that.
The couple spent most of their lives complaining about this and that and wishing things were different, wishing for this and wishing for that.
And this was how most of their time was spent, wishing their lives away.
In fact, most of the villagers had the same sort of mentality and attitude, they weren't really grateful for what they had.
They all wished that they were somewhere else, doing something different and that life was better.
Wish, wish, wish!

One sunny afternoon, the couple decided to do something really daring, and that was a bit of gardening!
As they were digging in the lawn to create a small flowerbed, because their window box flowers were looking very tired, their shovel struck something metallic and digging in with their hands, they pulled out what looked like an old copper mug.

The somewhat disinterested man said of this bit of old rubbish,
"Let's just chuck it away and carry on".
The woman was a little more intrigued and pleaded,
"Wait, wait, let's at least wash the dirt off and have a look at it first".
So they unravelled the twisted water hose, sprayed it down and sure enough, it was a was a lamp of sorts.
There was one mark on it that was a bit stubborn, so they started rubbing the lamp and I think you've already guessed where this is going!

Photo by Joshua Newton on Unsplash
Photo by Joshua Newton on Unsplash

Photo by Joshua Newton on Unsplash
Photo by Joshua Newton on Unsplash

Photo by Joshua Newton on Unsplash
Photo by Joshua Newton on Unsplash
They rubbed and rubbed until, wait for it, out popped a genie, two metres high, be-turbaned and decked-out in long robes, opulently jewelled robes at that, wearing a rather smug, smirk on his face and in a deep voice almost bellowing,
"You called"?
The couple were taken aback and recalled in their childhood a story of something similar, but they could not remember the name it.
The genie, getting a little frustrated that they hadn't asked any questions, said gruffly,
"I will grant you one wish as long as it's not for world peace, or the ending of poverty, because those wishes are reserved for our readers"!
"So let's make this easy"
he responded.
"I shall grant you one wish each that will give you more richly fulfilling lives".
The man immediately jumped up and said,
"I would love a workshop.
I'd love it to be filled with beautiful tools
and a lathe.
I could turn wood from all over the world, exotic hardwoods, softwoods, and bamboos.
I'd spend the rest of my life creating beautiful furniture and overcoming all the obstacles to make stunning artefacts with wood.
That would be my passion".

The lady, inspired by what her husband
was saying and bubbling with
excitement, blurted out,
"Well, I would love a world class, chef's kitchen, not a big one, because we don't live in a big house.
But it would have stainless steel tops, a proper refrigerator, all of the tools and equipment for me to be able to bake and cook.
That would be my passion".

"Wow, that's easy!"
Said the genie and pooooof....... in a flash
they were transported to a wonderful
lakeside property.
There was a sun-filled garden choc-a-bloc with healthy organic vegetables and just off from the house, was an exquisite stone building, which in a previous life was a church, but now converted into a spectacularly beautiful workshop.
The two of them got stuck into their passions and spent their days immersed in what they loved doing most, occasionally looking up to admire the lake and snowcapped mountains beyond.

You see, the genie is a
metaphor for the
Unified Field of Potential.

This Unified Field of Potential is everywhere and because nothing is separate, we are both IN this Unified Field, and we ARE it.
It is almost begging, coaxing us to dip into its field of potential and manifest into the world, what it is we want to bring about in our lives.
So, no more wishing and hoping that the life of your dreams will suddenly and miraculously appear, we need to go out there and create it.
The Field of Potential is here to support you.
Become the creator of your destiny.

Take a look at these batteries.
Both have a positive terminal (top) and a negative terminal (bottom).
On their own they do absolutely nothing, and yet they are filled with potential, which in this case is a stored charge of electrical energy.
When we join these two polarities with a lead, switch or other means, we have the opportunity in the case of a torch for example, to create light.
Now imagine if you will, you are the switch connecting the positive and negative energies of life (Duality), which is filled with potential just waiting to be activated.
Be the switch you wish to see in your world (with apologies to Mahatma Gandhi for bastardising his famous quote!)

Photo by Mika Baumeister on Unsplash
Photo by Mika Baumeister on Unsplash
Go on, you know you want to press the switch!

PS: And you may well ask what happened to the couple?
Well, of course, every great story has to finish in the same way.
They lived happily ever after!

Photo by micheile dot com on Unsplash
Photo by micheile dot com on Unsplash