Oracle of Consciousness
#53 - What is
Sovereign Integral?

Our emerging and evolutionary Consciousness is going to require some new nomenclature.

But first a story
The Black Wolf and
the White Wolf.
The mythological story about two wolves is said to have originated from the Native American Cherokee people.
A wise elder was visited one day by his grandson, who somewhat nervously, was facing his first powerful rite-of-passage initiation ceremony.
"Grandfather," he spoke respectfully, "you have lived many moons, as our chief, revered and loved by our family and tribe, and I am on the cusp of adulthood, tell me about life and why it is so challenging?"
The chief drew strongly upon his pipe and puffed out a plume of aromatic smoke, which drifted upon a zephyr emanating from the nearby mountains.
"Residing within you my boy, you have two wolves, one black and the other white."
"The black wolf is known for its temper, greed and aggression." "It constantly fights the other wolves over food, and is filled with fear, anger and jealousy."
"It constantly wages war against the white wolf, causing great disruption and commotion."
"Oh grandfather", the young man cried out,"you are right, I do have that black wolf within me, how do I get rid of it?" he pleaded.
"Patience my boy", said the Chief, "there is more to the story."
"You also have within you a white wolf. She is filled with love, compassion, kindness, sharing and loyalty. When you ride your pinto pony through the woods, she follows in step. When you bathe in the river, she splashes playfully with you and at night around your camp fire, she snuggles up to keep you warm."
"Grandfather!" the young warrior exclaimed, beaming from ear to ear "I do have that wolf too!"
"Ah yes", said the wise Chief, "but alas only one of those wolves survives!"
"Oh no!" desperately cried the young man, "tell me grandfather, which one survives, which one?"
The Chief took another long, slow and mindful puff of his peace pipe and fixing his eyes intently upon the young man, calmly professed,
"The one you feed."
We will return to this story shortly.

What we see unfolding from this story is a reflection of our lives.
We live in a dualistic Multiverse, that is to say, there are opposites to everything in our world.
Yin and Yang
Hot and Cold
Good and Bad
Masculine and Feminine
Day and Night
Past and Future
Big and Small
Near and Far
Up and Down
Fear and Love
The list is endless and ever present in our lives, so do we really want to eradicate one side or the other?
I think not, because they both serve a purpose.

Photo by Alexander Schimmeck on Unsplash
Photo by Alexander Schimmeck on Unsplash

Photo by Alexander Schimmeck on Unsplash
Photo by Alexander Schimmeck on Unsplash

Photo by Susan Wilkinson on Unsplash
Photo by Susan Wilkinson on Unsplash

Photo by Susan Wilkinson on Unsplash
Photo by Susan Wilkinson on Unsplash

Photo by Susan Wilkinson on Unsplash
Photo by Susan Wilkinson on Unsplash

Photo by Randy Kinne on Unsplash
Photo by Randy Kinne on Unsplash

Photo by Randy Kinne on Unsplash
Photo by Randy Kinne on Unsplash
Our EGO is about Fear and our HEART is about Love.

We get to choose!


Photo by Orkun Azap on Unsplash
Photo by Orkun Azap on Unsplash
Superiority, separateness, judgement, cynicism, hate, self-loathing, not good enough, jealousy. Etc.

Photo by Khadeeja Yasser on Unsplash
Photo by Khadeeja Yasser on Unsplash
Love, appreciation, compassion, understanding, forgiveness, humility, bravery and courage. Etc.

Photo by Tingey Injury Law Firm on Unsplash
Photo by Tingey Injury Law Firm on Unsplash
How would we ever know what we do want in life, until we have experienced what we don't want?
Duality and the EGO serves this purpose.
Returning to our original story, rather than choosing between or feeding the black wolf or the white wolf, what if we could encourage them to be friends?
Once that is established there would be no more squabbling, disharmony or altercations, but peace and unity would prevail.
Taking it a step further, what if we could befriend our fear-based EGO and accept it for what it is?
There would be no more inner conflict for a start, as the tussle between fear and love would be diminished to a choice.

What has all this got to do with Sovereign Integral?

Sovereign and Integral merged as One.
From the materials of James Mahu/WingMakers.

Sovereign is acting powerfully, autonomously and independently.
Sovereign is an element of Separateness.
It allows the humanity to be human.
The Sovereign inhabits the mind, emotions and body-ego and is influenced by the Social Progam.
*The Sovereign is the collector of experience across levels and lifetimes. This experience deepens the Sovereign's understanding of love, intelligence, interconnection and expansion.
*The Sovereign is the core identity of the individual.
All life is Sovereign.
*The fundamental nature of the Sovereign is expansion to the Integral.

The Integral is most similar to the term"Spirit".
The Integral is not mysterious, but rather misunderstood.
The Integral's institutional elements are: education, government, religion and culture.
The Integral's natural elements (associated with the body) are: DNA, collective memory, instinctual intelligence and Nature.
The Integral's natural elements (associated with the ego) are: family, friends, mentors and social groups.
The Integral is fractal by nature.
Integral is related to love. Love is inclusion, expansion, intelligence, alignment. Love is the attraction that pulls the Sovereign to the Integral.

Sovereign Integral
Sovereign Integral is our natural state.
It is that which beckons the transformation of the human experience.
Sovereign Integral is Consciousness, therefore infinite and inter-dimensional in both the dual and no-dual realms.
These three principles can accelerate our transformation to the Sovereign Integral perspective:
1. Universe relationship through gratitude
2. Observance of Source in all things
3. Nurturance of life.
The term, Sovereign Integral, was first brought out in 1998 when the WingMakers website was launched.

James Mahu
We are specks of sky, a silent choir of pounding hearts.
We are an eyelid the size of a galaxy, opening like a rising sun.
If you look out of it you are absorbed in I am we are— whirling in the curvature of a universe cathedral.
Sound is unity.
Long waves lack horizons, their roadmaps penned from the Creator’s heart, boomerang.
Listen… do you hear the subtle, undulating seams through which you can pass?
There…there…and there…
Behind the overgrown weeds the song leads to I am we are.
It may seem unlikely that what is small and commonly ignored is powerful, but root feeds leaf.
True power waits in the whisper.
Beneath the ground state.
It is rested. It does not flex, pounce, grip, or grab, for it is not of muscle.
Or bone.
Or mind.
Or even humanness.
Remember that.
Power is not what you have been taught.
Power is the internal gaze that discerns I am we are, and then dresses our every deed in that finery and nothing more.
In the same way that white light is nothing more than all colors.
We are bodies of air.
Deeper, we are not bodies at all.
We are the Sovereign Integral…
That which is I and we at one time.
One place.
One and equal.
No dominance.
We are invisible numbers more than gathered letters, atop the Periodic Table.
Sound more than mass.
Depth more than skin.
We are a bucket brigade to the fires of ego and separation.
Our “water” is I am we are.
We arm-wrestle the limbless soul.
We point our fingers at the mirror that dares to lecture.
We stare into ourselves and test:
“Am I?”
“Are we?”
Beautiful clarity, the sated view is often heard first and followed least.
We grow in unseen places.
Come alive in the music of quiet spaces porous with pauses and the rounded sound of soaring feathers.
The eyelid opens.
Canopied hues of blue, green, brown, and gray come alive, endless in their bidding to discover I am we are.
It is this and nothing more, in the same way that white light is nothing more than all colors.
Footnote: The I AM refers to the Separateness of the Sovereign and WE ARE implies the Interconnectedness of the Integral.
In the image, the I AM is the vertical plane from Earth, through our hearts and into infinity.
The horizontal plane of WE ARE can be imagined as arms wrapping around and embracing all of humanity, the Earth and it's species, in fact, everything unified as ONE.

Photo by Annie Spratt on Unsplash
Photo by Annie Spratt on Unsplash
The previous sections are just the tip of the iceberg relating to the avant-garde subject of the Sovereign Integral, but hopefully, enough to arouse your curiousity?
The Separateness of the Sovereign, leads us to the Interconnectedness of the Integral and ultimately, to the Sovereign Integral (Consciousness)