Oracle of Consciousness
#71 - Is the Mind the
Real Problem?

The Mind.
Friend or Foe?

Think about this question for a moment.
What would your life be like if you didn't have a mind?
If you didn't have a mind, you could never answer this or any other question!

No thoughts, ideas or imagination!
What a dull life that would be!

So clearly we need a functioning mind to navigate through life, with its trials and tribulations, ups and downs, happiness and sadness, ad infinitum.
Posing the idea of three aspects of the Mind.

The Ego Mind is steeped in and driven by Fear.
Most of which is learnt and conditioned from our early childhood. It is considered to represent a false sense of self.
Transcend this one.

Based on pure survival, the Biological Mind offers three options Fight, Flight or Freeze.
Its role is to prevent us getting harmed and remain alive.
Keep this one.

This mind is steeped in logic, creativity, learning, emotional intelligence, transformation, critical thinking and self-awareness, adaptable and collaborative, etc.
Further develop this one.
Mastering the 'Monkey Mind.'

Okay, that was being a bit unkind to the monkeys!
Preceding all action is a thought.
We create our own and the collective reality through our thoughts.
That being the case, we better make doubly sure we are creating our reality based on the guidance from our heart and directions from our intelligent mind.
Feeling - Thinking, Feeling - Thinking, using our hearts innate intelligence and that of the intelligent mind.
The ego will try to disrupt this process, with its fear-based thoughts, so dont listen to them, they hold no truth.
We need to be ever vigilant to the quality of our thoughts and identify their origins.
From whence do they come?
The Ego's FEAR?
The Heart's LOVE?
The Intelligent Minds RATIONALE and SOLUTIONS BASED?

We get to choose.
There are no 'right' or 'wrong' choices, just us experiencing the duality of life!

It is through this duality, the idea of separateness, that leads us Home to unity and the wholeness of Interconnectedness.

Welcome back.
Actually, you never left!