Oracle of Consciousness
#39 - Behavioural Wisdom

The Road to Behavioural Wisdom Starts with Consciousness

Behavioural Wisdom, also known as Behavioural Intelligence.
It invites our observation of unintelligent or unwise behaviours.
Wiser and more intelligent actions can be implemented from these observations.

So, how do we get there?

If you look at the condition of our human family and the earth today, we see a lot of things that could have been improved, and I mean greatly improved.
Our agriculture, politics, finances, education, leadership, and the list goes on.

We've also made some extraordinary advances, by behaving in wise and intelligent ways, which is the other side of the coin .

Clearly we need some useful tools to achieve Behavioural Wisdom as our new 'normal'.

I believe this is what we need to change our world for the better.

Starting Point
It behooves us to ask ourselves:
"How wise is this behaviour of mine"?
"How intelligent is it"?
It's a self-assessment.
It is an observable fact in life, we can
witness our own or other people's
behaviour and think to ourselves,
sometimes judgingly:
"Umm, that wasn't a very intelligent thing to do".
"That really wasn't a wise choice I made, which resulted in some harmful activity."

Ideally, we should assess what we are about to do, before we do it!

It is not very intelligent
or wise to
cause harm

Assess beforehand (if possible), whether
you will cause harm in any of these areas

Photo by Annie Spratt on Unsplash
Photo by Annie Spratt on Unsplash
Causing Harm
to Yourself
How you may be causing harm to yourself physically, mentally
or emotionally.

Photo by Icons8 Team on Unsplash
Photo by Icons8 Team on Unsplash
Causing Harm
to Others
How you may be causing harm to other people, physically,
mentally or emotionally

Causing Harm to Equipment, Property or Belongings
How you may be causing harm to your own or other's equipment, property
or belongings.

Causing Harm to Your
Immediate Environment
How you may be causing harm to your immediate environment where
you eat, sleep, work or play.

Causing Harm
Our Earth
How you may be contributing to causing harm to the Earth, as
a living entity.

Causing Harm to
Future Generations
How your actions may impact on future generations who inherit
the legacy we leave behind.
Seven Generations ahead!
The Hopi Indians think and act like this; always considering the seventh generation to come.
Think about that.
Not a four-year term in politics, not a couple of years project or contract here or there, but seven generations ahead, approximately 150 years.
Stop and think about your actions today, and base them on causing no harm to those future children of seven generations ahead.
Then imagine what our world would turn into, what a beautiful place to live with security, safety, harmony, and peace.

The conscious approach to wise and intelligent behaviours

Carefully think
it through
Give some thought to what it is you want to achieve and how it can be achieved, without causing harm across the six areas of Life.

Get ideas which
cause no harm
Sift through your ideas and choose the ones that work for you, while serving all of life on the planet, including the planet!

Create a
harmless solution
Arrive at a workable solution that is based on SMART Goals - Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic and Time-based.

Behave wisely
and Intelligently
Your new-found consciousness will result in more intelligent and wiser behaviours that serve all species and the Earth.
The key is to become
more conscious

Actually, the key is to have greater access to what is already there.