Oracle of Consciousness
#48 - Making Up Stories

The path to mastering your mind is to be aware of what's taking place in your thought

More specifically, the quality of your thoughts.

Your mind is not your mind, it is the collective mind of humanity!

From time to time, you may be contemplating and thinking about an idea, planning and analysing and figuring out something in a very conscious, aware state.
On other occasions, a random thought will pop into your head that has no sequence, no connection and no imperative on what you're doing at the time, it just pops into your head.
Which may give rise to the declaration -
"Where the hell did
that come from?"
These thoughts are emanating from the collective mind of the human family.

Photo by kevin turcios on Unsplash
Photo by kevin turcios on Unsplash

This collective mind is being fed by 8 billion minds on this planet!
Think about that!
What would be prudent to do is to maintain a conscious awareness of your thoughts, by becoming the Silent Witness.
Watch when you start building stories around random thoughts that have arisen from the collective mind, as opposed those originated from you directly.
"Watch your thoughts; they become words.
Watch your words; they become actions.
Watch your actions; they become habits.
Watch your habits; they become character.
Watch your character; it becomes your destiny."

Photo by Sander Sammy on Unsplash
Photo by Sander Sammy on Unsplash
Your mind starts building a story around your thoughts and this is often where you get dragged into the past; perhaps there is somebody you haven't forgiven for the harm they created?
You start building up this thought process into a full-blown story, adding judgment around what they've done, or how bad they were and ultimately, this story can be embellished out of all proportions and reality.
And it is just a story you are making up as you go along!
This is the work of the EGO

Photo by Ameer Basheer on Unsplash
Photo by Ameer Basheer on Unsplash
Or in the future

Photo by Nathan Dumlao on Unsplash
Photo by Nathan Dumlao on Unsplash
But never in present time, alert,
conscious and aware.
So just be aware that you are the conscious viewer, the witness of your thoughts, and become aware when you're making up a story and check to see:
"Does this have any validity"?
"Does it have any truth to it"?
"Or is it just a story I'm making
up in my mind"?
Not only from the past, but in the future.
We start building up stories about -
"What if this happens?"
"What will become of me?"
"What if that awful scenario takes place",
and all of a sudden you're building a story
about something that doesn't even exist!

Now you have your mental body dictating to you, your emotional body is triggered and this energy can create havoc within your physical body.

Photo by Strvnge Films on Unsplash
Photo by Strvnge Films on Unsplash
Whenever you find yourself entertaining really poor-quality thoughts that are not uplifting, the key and practical solution is to become aware, and the moment you shine the light of consciousness upon those thoughts, you can acknowledge to yourself,
"Well I just made up a whole story about something that hasn't even happened yet and probably never will!"
"Now I have the opportunity to create other, more life-enhancing thoughts which can develop into my reality."
"Thoughts become things, choose the good ones."
Mike Dooley
Come back to your centre each time, you are co-creating your reality.
Make your outer reality so life-enhancing, so heart-centred, that it causes no harm to yourself, to others, all species, our precious planet Earth and to seven generations ahead.