Oracle of Consciousness

Journeys of the Soul
The Cave

The Cave

“You have been here how long?” Jake uttered incredulously.

“Two years” Assaji repeated calmly.

“No visitors, no speaking, barely any food and living in a cave in this remote area of the Himalayas; two years!”

Clearly Jake was dumbfounded by what he had just heard and fell silent to let this extraordinary feat of human endurance sink in.

Angelique, his French girlfriend, who he had met during his 15 months sojourn, was less surprised, but still astounded.

“How do you put up with not speaking or interacting with anyone for so long,” she said, “I would go crazy!”

“Well it is like this,” spoke Assaji, the early morning sun glistening off his shiny head, “The idea that I am alone is incorrect. You see I have experienced for myself that we are never alone.”

“There is just one of us, one spirit, one energy, whatever label we want to put on it, just one source of everything, inhabiting 8 billion bodies on this planet alone.”

“Whoa!” exclaimed Jake.

Angelique could feel Jake tense up with this revelation and gently touched his arm in a loving gesture of support.

She was born in the South of France on the Côte d'Azur, spending her early childhood on that dramatically spectacular coastline and later to adventurously explore all around the area on solo hikes.

She was a lover of Nature, animals and being authentic, no doubt about it.

It was her love of sketching and painting flowers in the countryside that subsequently found her studying at Ecole nationale supérieure des Beaux-Arts (National School of Fine Arts) in Paris.

The first year and a half went well, then the longing to be out in Nature beckoned her away from the city and following her heart and intuition, she bid her family farewell and set forth on an overseas adventure of a life-time.

Jake's story was entirely different.
He was running away from an unhappy childhood and an inability to fit in to mainstream society.
He was a troubled young man with an addictive personality, which brought him into contact with alcohol, drugs and a penchant for high risk activities.
His sporting prowess, mingled with the associated huge adrenalin rushes, had earned him over the years, a broken arm, mild concussion and several fractured ribs.

As far as Jake was concerned, he could not get fast enough or further away from his hometown in Canterbury, England.

Seven months into his escapism, he bumped into Angelique on the Ponte Vecchio ("Old Bridge") over the Arno River in Florence, Italy.

He literally bumped into Angelique when passing her leaning up against the bridge, he suddenly turned and his overburdened rucksack containing his life's possessions struck her so forcibly, that she was almost hurled into the River Arno!

"Hé, regarde ça stupide, mon dieu, tu es un salaud tellement maladroit !" ("Hey watch it stupid, my god, you are such a clumsy bastard!") She retorted, barely able to contain herself.
Jake's knowledge of French was limited, probably because he always found an excuse to skip classes at school, but he understood "stupid" and "bastard" enough to know he had aggravated this girl.

"Sorry," Jake blurted out unconvincingly, but was immediately taken back by her fiery eyes, auburn hair and charming French accent.

"Look, I really am sorry, it was very clumsy of me, please, let me buy you a capocinno?"

Angelique, stood motionless for a moment, her parents words of caution racing through her head, but there was something magnetic about this young man that she could not resist.

Her journeying had repeatedly encouraged her to trust her heart and intuition, her most reliable guides, so throwing fear to the wind and heeding the message, she confidently replied,

"Yes, why not, after all, I didn't finish up in the river!"

Angelique had learnt that fear could hold her back from doing what her heart was calling her to do, that is, to step out of her comfort zone.

Jake and Angelique spent over fours hours chatting over coffee and cake at the Cantinette Tratoria Signorvino, thus sealing their ongoing friendship and adventures together.

Later, Angelique would constantly question Jake with "Where did you learn that?" whenever she witnessed his sabotaging behaviour.

Of course Jake shrugged it off with, "I've always been this way." But Angelique would not accept him stopping at the observable tip of the iceberg and gently guided him into the root causes, that which remains out of sight, but there nonetheless, and impacting upon his behaviours.

Slowly but surely, Jake began to wake up to the source of his aberrant conduct learnt from witnessing the dysfunctional ways of acting by his parents, who in turn, learnt it from their parents going back and back in time.
Not only his behaviours were being carried forward, but his DNA too, half of which came from his Mum and half from Dad, going back generation after generation.

What a burden to be carrying around on his young shoulders!

One day, sometime later on their journey, the magic of Katmandu, Nepal, wove it’s wonderful spell upon Jake, when thanks to Angelique’s gentle persuasion and heart- centredness, he realised that some of his destructive behaviours that he learnt from his parents, he was playing out in present time and he was not being authentic.

This ah-ha, light-bulb moment really changed his life and started him on his path of self-discovery, much to Angelique's pleasure, persistence and patience.

"If you think it is hard out in the world, getting triggered by events, people and places, you should try living in a cave with all those inner demons for a while!" said Assaji quietly.

Jake was quick to respond with a resounding,

"Er....... no thanks!"

"But in essence," chimed in Monique to Assaji, "Isn't it more challenging and ultimately uplifting to be in the world, among all that craziness and finding peace within and outside of ourselves?"

"Ahhh.. you have got it young lady" Assaji beamed, "The real test of all time is to be at ease, residing in the quietness of our hearts amid all the chaos, confusion and transformation of the human family.

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