Oracle of Consciousness
Journeys of the Soul
The Breath of Life
Angelique and Jake had spent over two months, non-stop on cleaning the barn, readying it for their future weekend workshops and they were both exhilarated and exhausted.
They decide to take off the next 4 weeks to recover from their hard labour and to reconnect with the core of their being, which had been a tad ignored due to the physical urgency of their project.
Catching up on some proper rest, silence and peace, was the first step, followed by meaningful and deep conversations, healthy food and familiarisation with the protocol for their soon-to-be 21-day silent retreat.
As it was to be a truly silent retreat, Jake would to sleep in the campervan and Angelique in their cozy, wrought iron bed, in the upstairs bedroom.
The purpose of being in silence is to permit a deep dive within, devoid of any distractions such as social media, talking, TV and the familiar if not mundane daily chores.
The process gives rise to a deeper connection with our inner core by uncoupling from the chattering mind, stress, busyness, opening to a profound sense of relaxation and going with the flow of whatever is arising in each and every moment.
Much of ones time is spent in meditation, quiet contemplation and mindfulness.
This provides the pathway to heightened states of consciousness.
The consciousness that is ever-present, but mainly untapped due to our involvement in day-to-day activities and challenges.
After seven days, the young couple felt well rested and commenced the preparation for their next challenge, which they had a taste of in Tibet – Breatharianism, added to silence.
Both were curious about what their adventure through the duality of separateness into the Oneness of interconnectedness would hold for them, and at the same time, they cut all expectations and attachment to any given outcome.
A breatharian is someone who believes it is possible through a strict protocol to nourish the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual bodies that make up the composite human being, on Prana, Chi Energy and sometimes referred to as Life Force Energy.
This assimilation is taken through the air and sunlight.
What Angelique and Jake were about to embark upon could be termed a 'Vision Quest', which originally was defined as:
“A traditional rite of passage in some Native American (1st Nation) cultures where an individual seeks spiritual guidance, wisdom, and self-discovery through a period of fasting, prayer, and solitude in nature.”
The week before they commenced the breatharian practice involved some purification activities, a light vegetarian diet, setting clear intentions, no alcohol, meat, or medications and preparing themselves mentally and emotionally.
This was made easier through their experiences of altered consciousness at Mt Kailash with Chodrak, coupled with his encouragement and sage wisdom from his own journeying.
As they spoke about Chodrak, both felt his presence among them, enough for Jake to blurt out, "Chodrak, you are here!"
"As always," replied Chodrak telepathically, and I will be with you on your Vision Quest too!"
Jake was about to open his mouth when Angelique finished his questioning sentence for him,
"Quantum Entanglement!"
As the chillier weather of October was upon them, they chose to incorporate a few creature comforts to combat the lower temperature of 11oC, brisk winds, increased rainfall and decreased daylight hours.
Jake would have the campervan to escape to if the weather turned and to sleep in, after spending his days under the olive trees, sitting and gazing upon the rolling vista before him.
Angelique would spend her time in the freshly refurbished barn, complete with a comfortable chair, yoga mat and wide-open doors overlooking the Lavender fields.
In the evenings, she would sleep in the cottage with no heating, just warm clothes.
A solitary journey,
of Zen moments
While this would not qualify as a full Vision Quest immersion in Nature, exposed to the elements and confined to a drawn circle of a few metres radius, leaving only for one's ablutions, it would still provide all the challenges of solitude, seven days and nights as a breatharian and the remaining fourteen days with sips of water only, no solid food!
As they would be in silence, they agreed to only speak if absolutely necessary and to give each other a brief wordless hug at the beginning and end of each day if their paths crossed.
They would have some light reading material, journals and pens to take copious notes as they went along.
It takes courage to tackle the solitary, direct self-enquiry journey within, no matter where you are!
Both had prepared themselves (and Angelique's parents) to be without a phone, computer, work or social life.
They were to give up all non-important tasks and commit themselves to doing nothing except looking after themselves on this most sacred journey.
There would be no sexual activity during the next three weeks, no exercise (other than some light stretching), no Tai Chi or structured meditations, just complete relaxation, trust and surrender into the process.
So, the quest found them on a Saturday evening heading to their respective quarters to commence the 21-day process at midnight, but not before some prolonged hugs and kisses.
The first few days were as expected, challenging!
No food, nothing to drink for the next seven days, silence and facing the unknown.
Over this time they connected with their spirit, the inner teacher and reaffirmed their commitment to the process.
They both experienced the discomfort of toxins being released, some mild intermittent headaches, broken sleep, restlessness, some pain in their kidneys and irritability as their physical, mental and emotional bodies protested but complied.
On the third night, their Spirit left the body, that is to say, the energy field of their spiritual body, merged with the higher frequency field of the Higher or Authentic Self.
This can be disconcerting for the first time, as it is a stark reminder of the numerous physical deaths when the Spirit finally leaves the body and experienced over many lifetimes in this human form.
The EGO's false sense of self as an individual and separate 'I', starts to crumble and dismantle, leaving a void never usually experienced in our busy lives.
For Jake, used to his solitary, loner lifestyle, being without conversation and closeness with Angelique was bearable, but he missed her just the same, allowing his mind to wander into fantasy and their future 'reunion'.
Angelique, with her outwardly more gregarious personality, when the void appeared in her life, it left her sobbing and confused.
Nothing was the same, something had shifted and lifted, but not replaced, leaving her feeling empty.
She is an intuitive empath and feeling nothing was totally alien for her.
A coldness crept over her, leaving her listless and without the hope and vitality ever-present before.
She was concerned if her future life would always be this way, which was a foreboding idea.
Where was little Angelique, full of spirit, curiousity and hope, she thought?
This was the EGO-mind at full play, stimulated by the toxins being released and seeing a chink in her armor into which it could insert its stiletto dagger and open into a festering wound, if given the opportunity.
But Angelique refused to give in or give up, such is her nature.
From her vantage point, sitting in the warm sun outside the barn doors, she had a glimpse of Jake, sitting with his head in his hands, sobbing his heart out and letting out a piercing bellow from time to time.
They were both now fully immersed in the process.
Occasionally, to cleanse their mouths of toxins and mucous they are permitted to swill out their mouths with water and spit it out. No fluids are to be swallowed at all.
Chodrak had walked them through what to expect, including the insertion of an 'etheric drip' near their kidneys, to ensure no damage occurs through the lack of water.
"This will be a time of complete surrender, he clearly stated, radically accepting and trusting you are being guided through this process and be still and quiet enough from time-to-time to permit the realignment to occur."
"Be mindful and present to what is transpiring." he added.
"Your body temperature, the element of fire within may increase, so be aware that it is doing its job of burning up that which is no longer serving you and don’t attempt to quell this fire.
His sage advice was priceless, and both had referred to their journals as part of their preparation, especially to meditate to keep the monkey mind at bay!
In the early evening of the seventh day, they took their first few sips of water and again an hour later. Surprisingly in a later discussion, neither raved about their first contact with water.
The following day they were permitted to drink water with a 25% juice concentrate and that was a thrill for their taste buds!
From day eight to fourteen was considered the healing from the realignment process where they could drink 1.5 litres of water or diluted fruit juice.
Lots of rest, some light reading and peaceful times for this week and drawing closer to the Authentic, Divine Self.
The final week of this 21-day inner sojourn was all about integration, the end of healing and allowing the higher energies of consciousness and the higher Self to re-enter your body.
A feeling of being renewed, regenerated and empowered will envelope you more and more each day and questions arise as to what will your role be in this unfolding of human conscious evolution.
The 21st day at midnight, signifies the the end of the process and their inner guidance will clarified that for them.
The following day, in their own time, Angelique and Jake emerged from their respective cocoons to embrace each other with tears of joy.
In the morning sunshine, they sat hand in hand, overlooking their stunning view of the coutryside, brimming with appreciation, for everything and everyone in their lives.
Virtually speechless, they wallowed in the presence of Presence.
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