Oracle of Consciousness
Journeys of the Soul
Caring and Sharing
Jake and Angelique had emerged from their 21-Day silent retreat, both feeling like they had undergone Psychic surgery!
While they totally acknowledged their profound experiences, it became very obvious they needed to share what they had gained and to commit to a full integration of the same into their lives.
Having been 'home-bound' for three weeks, the couple decided to take the campervan to Lac du Paty just 20 minutes away where they could relax for a few days and share their stories.
Because they knew their experiences would be very different, it was decided to incrementally share, so they could ask questions, or contempate upon what was being said.
This would make the flow of the conversation more balanced, as any two-way communication should optimally be.
Jake politely asked Angelique to go first with, "So my Angel, how would you broadly describe your experience over the pass three weeks?"
Angelique took a deep breath speaking slowly and calmly said, "Jake this was the most profound, gruelling and life-changing event I have ever experienced"
"I have uncovered, not discovered, because I know now it was always there, the deepest, first-hand experience and connection to who and what I am at the core!”
"Through my yoga, extensive reading and meditations, plus throw in our Chakra Journey, I thought I ‘knew' it all and yes I did know some, but mostly it was intellectually."
"Now that I have married that knowledge to the amazing practical experiences, I really feel I have gained so much insight and wisdom."
Needless to say, Jake was impressed and launched with, "I share your sentiments darling, but questioned myself often, what the hell am I doing this for?"
"I honestly thought I was going to die on more than one occasion and then I realised I was in a full-on detox mode, where my past drug-taking and excessive alcohol, along with all my self-sabotage had finally caught up with me."
"The aches and pains were excrutiating but made barely bearable when I caught a glimpse of you, he said tears welling up in his eyes. "You were coiled up in the foetal position, screaming and crying your heart out."
"That was the moment when it became crystal clear to me that we both had to go through this together and that Chodrak was there guiding, prodding and encouraging us not to give up!"
Now I feel with certainty that I have Freedom of Choice.
I have the free will to eat and drink or not, having faced the conditioning, emotions and craving for taste that is associated with food.
My choice is to return to a lighter diet, but I know I can go without food or water and reach beyond just raw survival, but to be thriving physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually, on Life Force Energy.”
To which Angelique responded, “Surrender and Trust - I have learnt to radically, totally surrender and trust with 100% faith that I would and will be guided for my greatest and highest good and the highest good for all, throughout this process and in my life.”
“And patience - I now know with certainty and unequivocally that everything arises to the clock of “Divine Timing.”
Jake added,
“Persistence - Never give up!
To achieve any desired end result, one must remain steadfastly committed, with unwavering persistence.”
“I feel I have achieved, expanded mastery over my Physical Body, Emotional Body, Mental Body and Spiritual Body, knowing full well, that this is just the tip of the iceberg I have touched.”
Angelique, totally excited now, paid a heart-felt tribute, "I have a vastly deeper relationship with Mother Nature, our precious Mother Earth, as a result of sitting in contemplation and meditation on some days, for 10-12 hours.”
“As a result, - that has expanded to a much deeper connection with the 'Divine' within, the 'Great Spirit', that which resides within us all.”
Wow, Angel, Jake gasped, I am so in tune with what you are saying and so proud of you.
My respect and appreciation for my physical body is even greater now, knowing it is through this physical instrument that I, the infinite Consciousness that I am at the core, gets to experience the entirity of my life, past , present and future throught all my six senses!
And to think I cared less, disrespected and dishonoured it for so long and yet I am still here, healthy and alive!
I am so grateful!
“Like you Angelique, I now feel I have an expanded Consciousness about 'All That Is' and know with certainty, 'I Am That'!"
Angelique was now beaming from ear-to-ear and added, “Love – genuine, heart-felt love is the universal solution to any and all situations, challenges or obstacles, perceived or real.”
“I can truly let go of any attachments and consciously choose to move on from anyone, anything, any place or any limiting beliefs that no longer serve me.”
These two were on a roll now!
Jake, coupling logic with his new-found awareness confidently stated, “Intelligent Design - Everything that has transpired throughout the history of our world, its inhabitants (and well beyond) is following an intelligently designed blueprint and is ultimately, perfect!”
"Even when it does not appear or feel that way!"
To which Angelique included, “I now look for the Triune in Duality to get the complete picture and trilogy of life.
I seek the triune between Duality, Yin & Yang, which will result in the perfect balance and Oneness.
Seeing beyond the“twoness” of this dualistic multiverse and finding the third element – Oneness in everything.”
Jake spoke though his innate Knowingness that, "A developed Light Body can transmute all lower vibrational densities, before they can affect the composite human instrument.”
“This could be termed the Transmutation into Life Force Energy .
Practicing the transmutation of any lower form of energy into Life Force Energy/Prana/Chi, (Light & Love), before it enters the body, raises that energy vibration and frequency, resulting in increased harmony, coherence and alignment”
"That includeds all lower or denser vibrational fear-based thoughts, which can be readily and sequentially changed into higher vibrational thoughts, such as joyfulness, love and appreciation, to name a few.”
“Regarding choosing my emotions, Angelique replied, now I can choose which emotions I carry around, enact or experience and that shining the light of consciousness upon the lower emotions, such as blame, shame and regret, can raise their vibrational frequency up to the higher levels of the scale of emotions.”
“I loved the support, said Jake, it was reassuring to know that I was fully supported throughout this process by seen and unseen hands.
I felt the presence of Chodrak on more than one occassion.
The phenomena that occurred and witnessed by myself during the 21 days, was a manifestation and evidence of the support emanating from other realms.”
“The synchronicities were mind-blowing, Angelique added - that profound synchronicities regularly occur to show us we are on the right Path and that Mother Nature sends us deeply meaningful messages to reinforce our commitment to our journey.”
In conclusion as a major 'Take-away,' they both agreed:
“Go Within, or Go Without!
That everything we seek, yearn or pine for and desire, lies within us.
Nothing in our external, materialistic and dualistic world can come anywhere close to the profound and priceless gifts within, that beckon us forth, if only we would stop, feel, contemplate and meditate on what has always been and will forever be there, awaiting our uncovering.”
With that, the estatic young couple headed back home to their little sanctuary, to integrate and embody all their experiences.
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'Being of Service.'