Oracle of Consciousness

Trust; The Glue that Holds Relationships Together

I remember how devastated I was to learn of a close friend’s lack of integrity and my resultant loss of thousands of hard earned dollars.

Fifty thousand to be exact!

I stomped around grumpily and flabbergasted for a couple of days, until I took full responsibility for offering and lending him the seed money for his new business.

He disappeared never to be seen again and from it, I learned three valuable lessons, for which I am most grateful:

1.     Discernment – my ability to size up any situation or person and deduce their real intention.

2.     To take full responsibility for the decisions I make, knowing they result in my personal reality that is shaped from those decisions and choices.

3.     How do I truly help people?

I made it too easy for him and his EGO took over breaking the trust.

Had I offered to match him dollar- for-dollar or he raised the full amount, and I coached him for free, the outcome, I am sure, would have been vastly different.

I didn't help him at all.

I have forgiven both him and myself and moved on, equipped with the tools to make better decisions and choices.

The most vital element in all
forms of relationships.

Without trust, we cannot move forward with clarity, certainty and confidence, there will always be a niggling, doubtful thought or intuitive hit that something is not quite right here.

“I cannot put my finger on it, but something is not right here.”

Listen carefully, follow your intuition and move forward with your eyes wide open.

With trust being present, we can take calculated risks, feel confident, certain and ready for action.

Trust has to be earned and is verified by actions, not necessarily by words alone.

So watch for any mismatch between what is being said, as opposed to what you observe in their behaviour.

 When the words and behaviours are in synch, then trust can be born.

In a perfect world, integrity will be the norm and trust as one component, will occur without question.

But until we transform from the old, unworkable paradigm of living, into the the new, trust or the lack of it to be more precise, is going to be an issue.

As a conscious person, we must first trust ourselves implicitly, and be considered completely trustworthy by others, if we are to hold our relationships or businesses together.

In Trust

All of these writings are free-of-charge and available here to read, share with your family and friends.