Oracle of Consciousness
#126 - Wisdom

Wisdom - what is it and how do I get more?

Unfortunately, it's not as easy as going down to the local supermarket and buying it off the shelf.
It takes quite a bit of time, effort and action to achieve wisdom.
So let's pull this word apart.

Photo by Andres Hernandez on Unsplash
Photo by Andres Hernandez on Unsplash

Photo by Andres Hernandez on Unsplash
Photo by Andres Hernandez on Unsplash

Photo by Andres Hernandez on Unsplash
Photo by Andres Hernandez on Unsplash

Wisdom is gleaned from knowledge and acquired through intellectual knowing, reading, discovering and watching.
Coupling that with the right hemisphere's imagination and creativity.
When we finish up knowing something about a certain subject, be it a person, place, or ourselves, then we have to couple that with something that is much grander.
And that is practical experience.
When we take our knowledge and marry that to practical experience, going out there, rolling up our sleeves in life and experiencing it first hand, then the combination of these two magical components, becomes wisdom.
And that my friends,
is absolutely priceless!
What if we marry wisdom and consciousness, what would we get?

I believe the end result would be wise, intelligent decisions, actions and behaviours.

Imagine if you will, that through our conscious evolution, we arrive at a point where every decision, every action that we take, is incredibly wise and heart-centred.
What sort of world would we live in, if that were the case?
We would be tapping into the pure intelligence and wisdom, which lies in the hearts of every human being.

You have been invited.