Oracle of Consciousness
#84 - Why Did We
Reincarnate Here?
Reborn in another body.
Have you ever had the thought:
"Whatever was I thinking?"
First things first:
1) I am making the assumption you have been here before.
2) That you embrace the idea of reincarnation (along with over 20% of the Earth's population)
3) I respectfully ask if you have doubts about this topic, to suspend your beliefs if only momentarily, and be open to the possibility.
A few 'FACTS" about reincarnation (from my current perspective):
Reincarnation is a mainstream teaching in Hinduism, Sikhism, Buddhism and Jainism.
Some members of other religions and spiritual practices also believe in reincarnation.
That which animates these physical bodies of ours is infinite consciousness, which never dies.
Reincarnation can occur on multiple occasions.
"Worldwide, children can be found who reported that they have memories of a previous life.
More than 2,500 cases have been studied and their specifications have been published and preserved in the archives of the Division of Perceptual Studies at the University of Virginia (United States).
Many of those children come from countries where the majority of the inhabitants believe in reincarnation, but others come from countries with different cultures and religions that reject it.
In many cases, the revelations of the children have been verified and have corresponded to a particular individual, already dead.
A good number of these children have marks and birth defects corresponding to wounds on the body of his previous personality.
Many have behaviours related to their claims to their former life: phobias, philias, and attachments.
Others seem to recognize people and places of his supposed previous life, and some of their assertions have been made under controlled conditions."
Source: Ernesto Bonilla MD PhD - Venezuelan Institute for Scientific Research
Returning to our original title and the question it poses -
Why did we reincarnate here?
If we at the core are infinite consciousness, sometimes referred to as Oneness, which is an absent of two of anything, in this state or condition, what would we experience?
I would venture to say nothing!
For without duality as we encounter it in this physical world where we can differentiate something from something else, in Oneness we would not have the opportunity to compare any experience with any other!
Because there is no other!
The Infinite Consciousness that we are, choses to incarnate here on Earth (and other locations) in order to create in the world of duality and to experience its creations.
We dip into the Unified Field of Potential and bring about the physical manifestation of what we choose.
And it all starts with a thought!
Thoughts become things!
It is my understanding that we all came into this incarnation (and previous), primarily to raise the consciousness of the human family.
To support the unfolding and inevitable conscious evolution
of human beings
Let that sink in for a moment!
If that is the sole (soul) and over-arching reason for us being here, then it stands to reason each of us has a role to play in this unfolding, no matter how large or small.
This is achieved through the myriad of human endeavours, skills, knowledge, gender, faiths, beliefs, etc., none more important than another.
Different oh yes, but none is more important.
Prince or pauper, labourer or CEO, billionaire or broke, settled or refugee, each of us has an equally important role to play in this game of life.
Beyond the central reason for incarnating here on earth (raising consciousness), is a secondary intention described as one's Life Purpose, which may or may not be known to the individual and very often, unknown to those closely associated with the person.
In order to learn the lessons required to personally become more conscious and navigate through this and any other lifetime, we choose our parents, the date and time of our birth!
This sets the scene whereby our parents, siblings, extended family, astrological star signs, location, physical, mental and emotion challenges, financial status, etc., can play an important role in shaping our conscious evolution and ultimately that of the collective human family.
So what about a baby that dies a mere 5 days after birth, how does that serve the purpose?
Not knowing this particular conscious beings Life Purpose, what if they came into this incarnation to bring happiness and hope to a forlorn and unhappy pre-mother-to-be?
Providing a source of happiness bestowed upon the young pregnant woman throughout her term, fulfilled the Life Purpose of her baby and thus completed, he/she could leave satisfied.
Yes of course the new mum will be devastated, which makes this all sound unfair, but at least if only for a while, she opened her heart and life to hope.
She got to experience the happiness which was missing in her life.
This is a bitter pill to swallow, but when we see the over arching purpose for incarnating, along with the incarnating being's Life Purpose, it starts to make sense!
And remember, because we always forget why we came here and any past lives, we don't know what challenges she set for herself, needed to face and overcome in her life in order to become more conscious and in turn, increase the collective consciousness of the human family.
We may view this as being grossly unfair and even cruel, but everything happens for a reason and in the above scenario , both the the mother and baby fulfilled their Life Purpose.
Always be appreciative for what you have transpiring in your life
Life is a gift you bestowed upon yourself.
Please don't squander it!