Oracle of Consciousness
#127 – Why I Don't Want to Become a Thought Leader!

What is a Thought Leader Anyway?

Thought Leader:
A person whose views are taken to be authoritative and influential.

According to Deepak Chopra and other researchers, it has been postulated that on average, we have 50,000 to 70,000 thoughts per day - that is a lot of thoughts to think about isn't it?
There you go, thinking again, add another one to the list.
And what's more, for a lot of people, 80% of those thoughts are likely to be negative and as many as 98% of those same negative thoughts, we had the day before!
Did you ever wonder who and precisely how they measure each and every thought?
Especially mine when I am in the zone and they flood through my mind, like water over a dam wall.

Can you begin to see why I don't want to become a thought leader, what a burden on my shoulders, or more precisely, in my mind!
So many thoughts and not enough following my intuition and heart’s guidance!
Instead, I would prefer to take more conscious, responsible and heart-centred actions to improve my own life and the lives of others.

Bye bye overthinking.
Hello intuition and feelings!

Okay, I can hear you
now reminding me
that I once wrote:
“Preceding all action comes a thought"
Yes I did write that and yes it is still true!

However, I want to be able to use my focussed imagination to visualise and feel what our future could be, rather than just random thoughts about it.

So I have decided that I would be more productive and of value to society, if I am able to influence even just one person and leave a worthwhile legacy.
To get there, I have been following some sage advice on the subject:
Doing my best and coming from a place of pure passion - tick
Published ebooks and write regularly - tick
Created a YouTube channel, website and social media posts - tick
Partnering with like-minded people who became my friends - tick

Competition be gone!
Welcome cooperation, you are indeed a friend.

Some final and humble pondering on the moniker "Thought Leader" and while it is no doubt flattering, it feels a little egotistical and old paradigm to me - as it was first coined in 1994 by Joel Kurtzman!!
Kurtzman, who in 2000 received the Global Indira Gandhi Prize was interviewed in 2013.
Kurtzman complained that the concept had become “utterly devalued”:
“It’s used for everything now.
There are thought leaders
of ice cream flavours!
Every company has its thought leaders.
And in many cases, the thought leaders have no real experience in the industry they are supposedly leading.
They have barely scratched the surface in terms of their reading,
their knowledge or ideas.
And they are rehashing the past.
At best, the term has really
been watered down.”
So please, don’t think of me as a Thought Leader, while I diligently continue my passion of leaving a worthwhile legacy.