Oracle of Consciousness

#121 - Wants versus Needs

Let's sort out the difference between Wants and Needs

Fear or Love?


Wants come directly from the fear-based ego and are represented by:

"I want this, I want that!"

It's never ending, the ego can never be satisfied. So we always want more, more, more, of whatever it is, more money, fame or fortune, etc., etc!


Needs come from a very different place and its
catch-cry is:

"I am enough!"

It originates from an authentic place, more aligned with who you are at the centre of your being, your heart and with your personal values.

When we find that our basic needs are not being met, there is always some disturbance.

If our basic needs are not being met in a relationship, in our workplace, with people we engage with, perhaps at a location, then it may cause some unsettling, as the likelihood is there is something occurring which is contrary to our personal values.

That disruption can be a mild irritability, but if not nipped-in-the bud quickly, the EGO can turn it into antagonism, anger, and ultimately, it can cause violence and wars.

We don't have to look very far around our world today to see how many people's basic needs are not, or barely being met.





Our task is to continually evaluate and ask ourselves when we're about to purchase something:

"Do I WANT this?"

Originating from the EGO, or

"Do I NEED this?"

Originating from your order to function well or make progress (whatever the need is to be met)

We need to be very clear about our needs when venturing into a relationship, applying for a new job, starting a business venture with a partner and certainly any activity that involves others.

"What are my needs to be met for me to really enjoy and put my heart and soul into this activity?"

Wants and Needs - Which Voice is speaking?

The EGO wants:

Samples and in no particular sequence

Being noticed
More, more, more
Fame and Fortune
Etc., etc., etc., etc., etc.

The Authentic Self needs:

It is infinite consciousness having a human experience

It is already complete
It is fully Conscious
It needs nothing
It is infinite
It is love

“Don't be pushed around by the fears in your mind.

Be led by the dreams in your heart.”

Roy T. Bennett