Oracle of Consciousness
#118 - Uniqueness

Did you ever consider how unique you are?

"Hang on, don't you keep harping on about there's only One of us, that we all belong to this Oneness and are all connected as One?"
Or words to this effect, you might protest!
"If we are all One, how in the world can I be 'unique?"
And that is a great question, so here goes:
While we inhabit these physical bodies, with our mind and our emotions, we are very unique.
Think about that for a moment.
Nobody on this planet of what, 8 plus billion people, has had all of your identical experiences.
Sure, they might have been similar, but they weren't 100% identical to yours.
They didn't have your parents.
Or your schooling, your teenage lives, they weren't thinking your thoughts, they weren't necessarily having your feelings about everything, your opinions, perspective, or point of view, all of that is unique to you.
And we have teenage twin girls to prove that!

This is all the proof you need.
“No two people have ever been found to have the same fingerprints — including identical twins."
The National Forensic Science Technology

Being unique does not make you better than anyone else, but it sure does make you different.
Celebrate that!

So ponder the gift of uniqueness that you have while in this physical body and consider this:
"Is there any guru or master that you could find that has had all of your life experiences, exactly as you have?"
I think the answer is no.

We have to find and make ourselves the Master, by activating the Guru within.

Find the innate Guru within us, our own path and way through life, creating our reality by following our own journey, not someone else's.
Yes we can take elements of this or that from wise ones who have trodden their path before us.
"This works for me, that doesn't."
"Yes, this is good, I can use this concept".
But ultimately, we have to cut our own way through the jungle to the top of the mountain, we have to make our way, because our path is unique to us.
And always remember, it is the journey we need to mindfully focus upon, and the destination will unfold as it will.

I sincerely wish you well on your journey in whatever metaphorical form it unfolds;
Hacking through virgin jungle,
Riding across arid plains,
Resting in the sunlight alongside some mighty river,
Plunging into icy waters in the winter,
Determinedly working your way forward,
Creating your unique path to freedom and consciousness.
And yes, some people may want to follow you for a while until you encourage them and they gratefully branch off and say,
"Now it's time for me to make and cut my own path
through my life".
That's the beauty of uniqueness.

Bon Voyage!

"The truth is of course is that there is no journey.
We are arriving and departing all at the same time."
David Bowie