Oracle of Consciousness
Truly Letting Go of the Past

What does it mean to...

The general meaning for letting go, suggests we are holding onto something and at some point, we release our grip on it and it falls away.
This 'holding on', could show up as mental constructs such as outdated ideas, past pain and trauma, disappointments, limiting beliefs etc., or low level emotions for instance - blame, shame or regret.
We could be holding on to tangible things that no longer serve us, but just clutter up our life, or maybe relationships, jobs or people that occupy our physical world.
What we are letting go runs much deeper than just releasing a material object, but to dig deep into our past pain and suffering, surrender that up for inspection in order to liberate it.
Often from our early childhood we have experiences that stick us in the past of our time-track and can have a profound effect on the remainder of our lives.
Hypothetical Example.
As a toddler full of curiosity and adventure, wanting to experience everything in your surrounds, in the process of reaching up to a glass vase of pretty flowers on the coffee table, you accidentally knock it over and it shatters into a hundred pieces.
Mum (or Dad), hearing the crashing sound, rushes into the lounge room and sees you sitting, gurgling happily, amongst a myriad of glass shards and her favourite vase ruined.
In a moment of fear for your safety and the loss of her precious vase, she screams out angrily
“Stop!!!” “You stupid child, that was a present from your father”.
“Don’t move!!”
She then soon regains her composure and rescues you from the potential danger and cleans up the mess.
However, from your perspective, something entirely different has occurred.
All you wanted to do was to experience the flower, smell its fragrance and maybe pull off some petals, all quite normal things for a curious child to do.
When Mum’s verbal barrage descended upon you, you became instantly aware from your limited perspective that momentarily, in her anger, she had withdrawn her love and that was the worst possible thing that could happen to you.
In that moment, you may have unconsciously or consciously decided, that:
"Who I am is not good enough."
"Who I am and what I do is unworthy of my mother’s love."
(Or whoever the interaction is between)
This feeling of being unloved is profoundly impactful and from this point forward, you dedicate your life to pleasing your Mum, so that she never ever withdraws her love again.
This process is then extended to Dad, your siblings, aunts, uncles, grandparents, et al and is replicated in school, work, relationships, marriage, etc.
This false idea that one is unworthy of love appears very often in all age groups, no matter which geographical location.

Then one day, you wake up and realise you have spent your entire life trying to please others and neglecting yourself and your own needs.

Depleted, empty, lifeless and feeling without purpose, you reach out for help.

This is a catalytic moment, ripe for change.

By being guided through the process of direct self-enquiry, you uncover these events in your life and the decisions and stories you made surrounding them and it becomes patently obvious that they no longer serve you and you have to let them go.
Whatever or whoever in your life is no longer serving you, it is time to either create an exit-strategy or at the soonest opportunity, move away and on to 'greener pastures'!
Muster up your courage and bravely step out of your comfort zone, radically surrender and let go!
The process of letting go is one of releasing the attachment to and resistance towards the uncomfortable thoughts, emotions and feelings associated with the subject.
It is akin to feeling the burden and taking off a rucksack full of heavy stones that you have carried around with you most of your life and once relieved of this weight upon your shoulders, a wonderful feeling of lightness prevails.

Taste that freedom!