Oracle of Consciousness
#115 - Transformation
Trans means across and formation may be expressed as the structure or form of something.
Transformation means moving from one condition to another, one state of consciousness to another, one paradigm to another.
Our human family, right now is going through the most extraordinary transformation, an unprecedented expansion of our Conscious Evolution.
We moved from Hunter Gatherers to Agrarians, through the Industrial Revolution, the Information Age and now we're moving towards Wholeness, Transparency, Unity and other aspects of the new form of human being.
This wave is unstoppable!
But what does that mean in our everyday life?
What are we to transform?
Well, we can transform habitual, negative forms and patterns of thinking into uplifting and life-enhancing thoughts. We can change limiting beliefs into unlimited ones, filled with hope and certainty.
Each of us has the capacity to transform our energy.
After all, everything is energy and we can consciously choose for instance, the high level energy water and foods that we ingest into our bodies.
We can be mindful about what we put onto our bodies, in terms of moisturisers, or body butters, and choose those that add to the body's health and wellbeing.
With a little practice, we can program that everything that is ingested into the body, can be transformed into Prana, Chi, or Life Form Energy.
We can consciously make a decision that everything that goes into this body is transformed into a higher frequency, a frequency of light, the frequency of love, whatever it is that you feel inclined to change it into.
We can transform our lower level emotions such as blame, shame, regret and fear by determining their root cause and source.
"What was the root cause of these deep seated emotional feelings that I have that no longer serve me?"
We can transform those into much higher scale of emotions, of joy, happiness, enthusiasm, passion and appreciation.
We transform and raise the vibrational frequency of our three bodies: Physical, Emotional and Mental.
Who are we truly, not a facsimile, or copy of something, not something that we've necessarily been told we are. But our true, authentic nature, which we know now is infinite, has no beginning and no ending.
And that is our true nature.
We can transform any idea that we are an individual, solitary, soul inhabiting this body as that implies we are separate from others, when in fact we are not separate from anything or anyone.
Everything and everyone is connected.
We are unlimited and infinite beings
Dwell in that, dwell in that!