Oracle of Consciousness
The Maze of the Matrix
The Matrix is complex, deceiving, imprisoning and designed to keep the human family deeply embroiled in conflict, separateness, superiority and a whole gamut of destructive behaviours.
Witness what is happening on our planet at this time and throughout our history.
There are ways out of the maze of the Matrix and the New Age Movement is not one of them, it is just a bigger prison, with some fresh new spaces and faces to explore.
I, along with probably millions of others, was drawn to the New Age phenomenon birthed in the 60s, because I believed it showed me a way to exit the Matrix and step into my true state, Sovereign Integral.
Alas this was not to be the case and a little way down the rabbit hole revealed it, the New Age Movement, was and is, just another dead end, further entrapment and suppression.
"Whenever we put something or someone between us and our true nature, we become disempowered!"
Let me be very clear, that is not to say teachers, gurus, swamis or masters have no value in society.
I can honestly say my life was dramatically improved as a result of learning and practicing with a consciously evolved and 100% authentic being.
"So what or where is the trap?" You may well ask.
Let us use the metaphor of the domesticated chicken as our example.
Which came first, the chicken or the egg?
Just kidding, we are not going to go there!!
Imagine if you will, a “kindly” chicken farmer, whose chickens have outgrown their run.
It is too small for the fast growing brood, which clearly need a bigger space to scratch, peck for their meals and do what chickens do best.
So the soft-hearted farmer builds a bigger enclosure and coop, as the curious chickens look on in both amazement and wonder.
Then one glorious day, as the cockerel called out for all to rise and greet the sunrise, the BIG day had come.
"We're free, we're free!" shouted out the chickens in unison!
The brood of chickens were released into the huge (from a chicken’s perspective), magnificent, new, richly vegetated but fenced-enclosure.
Lo-and-behold, their new found freedom is like 'Chicken Heaven'.
But alas, they are still entrapped, un-free and imprisoned!
It is an illusion, although the chickens probably wouldn’t see it that way, as do many of our fellow humans.
For the chickens, their fate is almost inevitably sealed.
The farmer has successfully deluded the brood and that my friends, is exactly what the Matrix is designed to do!
Many human beings blindly make their way through life, oblivious to the trap they are in and their almost inevitable outcome - living a fear-based, mundane and thoroughly unsatisfying life .
It is our task to determine which Path is right for us and there are many Paths to the top of the mountain, however, with so many available, we need to be ultra discerning and remain with our eyes wide open to any falsehoods that would further entrap us.
Are we going to remain cooped up, or break free of the Matrix?
It's your choice!
All of these writings are free-of-charge and available here to read, share with your family and friends.