Oracle of Consciousness
The Ego and the
Authentic Self
Part 1 - Introduction
Part 1 - Introduction to the EGO and the Authentic Self
Part 2 - Why do we have an EGO?
Part 3 - The Authentic Self
I don't have an EGO!
Do I??
The EGO:
A False Sense of Self
Where is the EGO located?
According to Harvard trained, PhD brain scientist, Jill Bolte Taylor, the ego is experienced through a peanut-size group of cells in the left hemisphere.
Our lives have been dictated to by a bunch of cells no bigger than a single peanut!
There are two kinds of fear:
1. Biological - fight or flight, a natural response to danger
(Keep this one)
2. Mind created - learnt fears, conditioned reactions.
(You can let these go, they are not who you are!)
The good news is, whatever mind-created fears have been learnt, they can be unlearnt.
We just have to replace them with something more life-affirming!
What does the EGO project - FEAR
The Ego has the compulsive need to remain superior and separate, in all places, under all circumstances.
"I'm right and you're wrong, don't talk to me!"
The EGO is experienced as...
Emotional quicksand, dragging us into the depths of despair.
Attachment, compulsively hanging onto someone, something or the past.
The EGO is that part of you that has no interest in yours, or other people's freedom.
The EGO wants you:
Under its control
Safe in your 'comfort zone'
In a perpetual state of fear
Separate from everything and everyone
Judging yourself and others
And more!!
A prisoner of our own egoic thoughts
The EGOs Traits
False Morality
Abuse of Power
Cultivated Ignorance
Or as depicted in the olden days as The Seven Deadly Sins!
If you let it, the EGO will play you like a hand puppet
The EGO feels victimised by life and other people
The EGO avoids anything or anyone that contradicts its self-image
Only the EGO can be offended!
The EGO is thoroughly caught up in its own personal desires and wants and can NEVER get enough. NEVER EVER!
Look at me everybody, I am better than you!
Once again!