Oracle of Consciousness
#140 - The 'I' That Does
Not Exist!
When we talk about 'I',
“I want this”
“I want that”
“ I am a writer”
"I am really hungry"
What exactly are we referring to?
What we're looking for is an understanding of exactly what is this ‘I’, we are referencing?
In pursuing and seeking this ‘I’, can we find it?
Is there a location?
It's not the brain, it’s not in the body, it's not of the body.
It doesn't appear anywhere.
It seems to be a label only, but there is no tangible evidence of this ‘I’.
Right now, I dare you to locate it, point to it, tell me what it looks like, describe it!
It is impossible!
You see, there is no independent, separate ‘I’.
Because if I see myself as a separate ‘I’, and you have an ‘I’, then that's more separateness.
We've already established that nothing is separate, everything is connected.
In the process of becoming more conscious, this realisation dawns on us that if nothing is separate, then the independent ‘I’ cannot not exist other than as a thought or idea.
Thus the disassembly of this idea, a mere label and all associated with it, begins to dissolve.
It means we can finally drop the attachment to our personality, character, our outer identity and focus on our core, that being, infinite consciousness.
This is extraordinarily liberating to realise that it is only the ego-mind steeped in separateness and the idea of ‘I’, that wants something.
What is animating these bodies, is the collective, interconnected life-force energy we term consciousness, which wants and needs nothing!
Our role is to become more aware of this consciousness and abide in that.
Utilising it through these bodies for the extraordinary, adventures and experiences available to us on Earth.
Recognising that we are something much grander, something infinite and not a tiny little ‘I’ is a beautiful contemplation.
Of course the mind has trouble getting its head around this, because we have been conditioned and programmed to believe our independence and separateness.
We have used this expression all of our lives and yet this ‘l’ to which we refer, does not exist.
If you can find one, it would be a first in the history of humanity!