Oracle of Consciousnesss
#109 - Stuckness
To be stuck generally means that there is a cessation of motion in any direction, activity or thinking.
“Emotion is energy in motion.
When you move energy, you create an effect.
If you move enough energy, you create matter.
Matter is energy conglomerated."
Neale Donald Walsch
The Earth is spinning, we are travelling around the sun, our heart is beating, lungs breathing, atoms moving within our cells, everything is in a state of perpetual motion.
However, we can have the apparency of being stuck.
If anybody's had to assist or witnessed a vehicle at a standstill in boggy mud, that could certainly be termed 'stuckness'.
One 'stuckness' that we can get caught up in, is in our thinking.
You see, we can get stuck on our time track, in traumas of the past, we can get stuck in a belief, idea or perception about something or someone and become very rigid about it.
One of the traits of the ego is it likes to make ourselves right and others or everyone else, wrong.
It also wants us in the past.
If we hang on to only one side of a perspective, a belief, or a perception and fail to see the other person's perspective, then we get stuck.
And this 'stuckness' can occur mentally, emotionally, and physically.
We need to observe ourselves, our life, our activities, our thoughts and notice if we're stuck in one or more of these areas.
Look into your body, look into your mind, look into your emotions, and look into your spiritual beliefs to see if there's anything there that appears to be stuck, or in a lack of motion.
We can get stuck in jobs that we don't like, stuck in relationships; it is possible to get stuck in all sorts of things.
It is an apparency that there is no movement in this, an ever-expanding multi-universe!
If we are infinite beings, expanding our connection to our consciousness with every breath, every lesson, every challenge that we embrace, then there is only motion.
Unstick yourself from your mental constructs and move towards the light, become more heart-centred, and more interconnected to everything and everyone.