Oracle of Consciousness

#108 -Stepping
Into Your Power

Stepping into your greatness, your power, and your authenticity.

It has been said that our greatest fear is the power that lies within us. It seems odd that the very thing we seek, what we yearn for, the freedom and power that we are, is the thing that we fear the most!

Why would that be?

Well, if you look at our past and current human behaviours, much of this power has been misused, abused and used to control people, to subjugate people, to put them down.

Then questioning the access to our ultimate power, our inner dialogue could be,

"Can I really be trusted at this point in my life, to have all that power at my fingertips?"


"Could I be trusted, to be able to use it in a non-harmful way that would benefit both myself, my family, community and humanity, along with all other species and our Mother Earth?"

It's rather like putting a newly licensed teenager into a very fast car.

Can he or she be trusted not to push the accelerator right down to the floor, roar the exhaust and dangerously show off to their friends?

We need tread mindfully and gently down this path, step by meaningful step, being willing to venture outwardly or progress inwardly, testing the waters all along the way.

But along with this innate power we all hold within us, we need to generate an extraordinary sense of responsibility.

We have to take full responsibility for the effects that we create, and be wary about the realisation that we could cause extraordinary harm with this power, if we misuse it.

We have to be very discerning, because this power will be very attractive and people may want to emulate, follow and idolise you as an influencer.

You will need to activate your heart-centred 'guru' within, steeped in integrity and all the other fine human values!

The ego will seek a chink in our armour to take over and we've seen so many examples of that where human beings in a position of power and authority have been heavily influenced by their fear-based ego and caused mayhem and desruction.

This is one of the reasons why we may feel we can't be trusted with our inner power.

However, negating our true power, our authenticity and who we are at the core, is really stifling our connection, and diminishing ourselves.

The process of regaining or developing trust is to be able to fully embrace our values of honesty and integrity.

Incrementally stepping into our power, testing as we traverse our path, experimenting with how well we can be trusted with our powers and never swaying away, not ever giving up our values in order to personally get ahead in life, at the expense of others.

In some way or another, it is a true test.

How ironic that we have this extraordinary power at our fingertips.

We have the power of creation in our hearts.

We have everything we're looking for, the freedom, the infiniteness that we are, which lays within us and yet we're reluctant to go there!

It is time to tear down this barrier of reluctance, take full responsibility, be ruthlessly authentic and step into our consciousness, because this is what our world needs now!

"Those who are awake live in a constant state of amazement"

Jack Kornfield